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[英]Rails: sort association includes without issuing new query

Person has_many: :blogs has_many: :articles has_many: :blogs has_many: :articles

Blog has_one: :person 博客has_one: :person

Problem: 问题:

person.<blogs and articles>.<order by last_updated>.last

I know that I can have a scope so that all returned blogs are automagically ordered by last time, but is there a way to return all blogs and articles sorted by time? 我知道我可以设置范围,以便所有上次返回的博客在上一次前都自动排序,但是有没有办法返回所有按时间排序的博客和文章? Essentially, I'm looking for the last updated child of a parent object. 本质上,我正在寻找父对象的最后更新的子对象。


(person.blogs + person.articles).sort_by(&:last_updated).last

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