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[英]Python: how to rename a file in a folder?

I have a list of file like the following我有一个如下所示的文件列表


I want to rename them the parte after the last underscore, such as the file will be renamed like:我想在最后一个下划线之后将它们重命名为 parte,例如文件将重命名为:


Use os.rename from the os library to do the renaming.使用os库中的os.rename进行重命名。

To get the sting up to the last index of an underscore ( _ ), use the rindex method of string .要获得下划线 ( _ ) 的最后一个索引,请使用stringrindex方法。

You also need to concatenate the extension back on.您还需要重新连接扩展名。


import os
f = 'TRIAL_20134_75690_TOTAL_2018-08-12-17-18.csv'
os.rename(f, f[:f.rindex('_'] + '.csv')

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