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使用 lombok.Getter(lazy = true) 和 java 10 的不兼容类型错误

[英]Incompatible types error using lombok.Getter(lazy = true) with java 10

I'm trying to do some caching using reactor , reactor.ipc.netty.http.client.HttpClient and initialize it as lazy getter field with lombok's @Getter(lazy = true) .我试图做一些使用缓存reactorreactor.ipc.netty.http.client.HttpClient并初始化它与龙目岛的懒惰吸气场@Getter(lazy = true)

All works fine with Java 8 but fails to compile with error: incompatible types: Duration cannot be converted to String with Java 10 on this snippet在 Java 8 中一切正常,但无法编译并error: incompatible types: Duration cannot be converted to String此代码段上的 Java 10 error: incompatible types: Duration cannot be converted to String

public static class Translations {

    Map<String, Translation> translations;

    public static class Translation {

        Map<String, String> content;


@Getter(lazy = true)
Mono<Map<String, Translations.Translation>> translations = httpClient
        .get(String.format("%s/translations/%s", endpoint, translationGroup), Function.identity())
        .flatMap(it -> it.receive().aggregate().asByteArray())
        .map(byteArray -> {
            try {
                return objectMapper.readValue(byteArray, Translations.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException("Failed to get translation for " + translationGroup, e);
        .retryWhen(it -> it.delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(200)))

but it compiles perfectly fine with但它编译得很好

@Getter(lazy = true)
Mono<Map<String, Translations.Translation>> translations = Mono.just(new byte[]{})
        .map(byteArray -> {
            try {
                return objectMapper.readValue(byteArray, Translations.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException("Failed to get translation for " + translationGroup, e);
        .retryWhen(it -> it.delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(200)))

How to know what's wrong and how its possible to workaround?如何知道出了什么问题以及如何解决?

I suggest to move the initialization code to a separate method.我建议将初始化代码移到单独的方法中。

SomeType t = <complicatedInitializationCode>;


SomeType t = initializeT();

private SomeType initializeT() {
    return <complicatedInitializationCode>;

Disclosure: I am a lombok developer.披露:我是龙目岛的开发人员。

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