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YouCompleteMe GetDoc预览窗口不会在选择时触发

[英]YouCompleteMe GetDoc preview window does not trigger on selection

As far as I understand YouCompleteMe comes by default with this handy preview window showing whatever the GetDoc subcommand returns whenever you select a completion. 据我了解,YouCompleteMe默认带有此方便的预览窗口,该窗口显示每当您选择完成时GetDoc子命令返回的内容。

The issue I'm currently facing with it however is that while it works perfectly fine on Python files, it doesn't trigger at all on Rust files. 但是,我目前面临的问题是,尽管它在Python文件上可以正常工作,但在Rust文件上根本不会触发。 To clarify I'm merely talking about the preview window showing the documentation here, the autocompletions pop up just fine. 为了澄清,我只是在谈论在此处显示文档的预览窗口,自动填充功能会很好地弹出。

I've looked through the documentation and confirmed that GetDoc supports Rust. 我仔细阅读了文档,并确认GetDoc支持Rust。 I verified that this is indeed working by manually triggering the command using :YcmCompleter GetDoc which returned the appropriate documentation just fine. 我通过使用:YcmCompleter GetDoc手动触发命令来验证它确实可以正常工作,该命令返回了适当的文档。

While searching for ways to fix this and have it automatically trigger I have also encountered let g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt so I included that in my .vimrc just to make sure. 在寻找解决方法并使其自动触发时,我还遇到了let g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt因此为了确保这一点,我将其包括在.vimrc Reading up on completeopt I checked what :set completeopt? 阅读completeopt我检查了什么:set completeopt? returns: completeopt=preview,menuone . 返回: completeopt=preview,menuone That looks fine to me as well. 对我来说也很好。

At this point I'm rather lost and my google-fu is also exhausted. 在这一点上我很迷茫,我的谷歌福也筋疲力尽。 What am I missing here? 我在这里想念什么? If I'm missing some important information please let me know. 如果我缺少一些重要信息,请告诉我。

Try <Ctrl-Space> for getting the suggestions. 尝试<Ctrl-Space>以获得建议。 It triggers semantic suggestions and their previews. 它会触发语义建议及其预览。

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