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[英]How to call View method and pass parameter to method?

I have a list of categories in the Sidebar. 我在侧边栏中有一个类别列表。

@foreach (var item in Model) {
    <li><a href="~/Books/Category/@item.Title">@item.Title</a></li>

And I want to display the products of this category by clicking on the category. 我想通过单击类别来显示该类别的产品。 To do this, I implemented the method ViewCategory. 为此,我实现了ViewCategory方法。

public ActionResult ViewCategory(string name) { ... }

But I do not know how to pass the parameter correctly. 但是我不知道如何正确传递参数。 I'm trying to write something like that, but I understand that doing something wrong ... 我正在尝试写类似的东西,但我知道做错了什么...

@Html.Action("ViewCategory", "Books", new {Title=item.Title})

Help me please 请帮帮我


I have a View Index, and a method in which I bring up a list of my products 我有一个View Index,以及一种显示我的产品列表的方法

    public ActionResult Index()
        HttpResponseMessage response = WebApiClient.GetAsync("Books").Result;
        var booksList = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<BookDto>>().Result;
        return View(booksList);

I need to display only products that belong to this category when choosing a category. 选择类别时,我只需要显示属于该类别的产品。 I list the categories with PartialView 我用PartialView列出了类别

@foreach (var item in Model) {
    @*<li><a href="~/Books/@item.Title"></a></li>*@
    @Html.Action("ViewCategory", "Books", new { name = item.Title })

To do this, I wrote a method that I try to use instead of 为此,我编写了一种方法尝试代替

    public ActionResult ViewCategory(string name)
        HttpResponseMessage responseBooks = WebApiClient.GetAsync("Books").Result;
        List<BookDto> booksList = responseBooks.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<BookDto>>().Result.ToList();
        for (int i = 0; i < booksList.Count; i++)
            if (booksList[i].CategoryName != name)
        return View("Category");

But now I have NullReferenceException... 但是现在我有NullReferenceException ...

Just change 只是改变

@Html.Action("ViewCategory", "Books", new {Title=item.Title})


 @Html.Action("ViewCategory", "Books", new {name = item.Title})

You can use it as following. 您可以按以下方式使用它。

@{ Html.RenderAction("ViewCategory", "Books", 
    new {param1 = "value1", param2 = "value2" }); }


@Html.Action("Controller","Name", new { name = item.Title })

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