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PSR 编码标准 - PHP

[英]PSR coding standard - PHP

just developed a simple CLI php code that calculates the multiplication table of your choosen size but when I check the files to make sure they stick to PSR coding standards, it gives me four errors/violations.刚刚开发了一个简单的 CLI php 代码,用于计算您选择的大小的乘法表,但是当我检查文件以确保它们符合 PSR 编码标准时,它给了我四个错误/违规。 I don't know where in the files the errors are after several attempts and days of work on the files.我不知道在经过多次尝试和对文件进行数天的工作后,错误在文件中的哪个位置。

there are two files: cliVersion.php and generateCLITable.php有两个文件:cliVersion.php 和 generateCLITable.php

The first file gives me 1 PSR error and the second one gives me 3 PSR errors.第一个文件给了我 1 个 PSR 错误,第二个给了我 3 个 PSR 错误。

this is how I generate the multiplication table of size 12 on command line :这就是我在命令行上生成大小为 12 的乘法表的方式:

  • php cliVersion.php 12 php cliVersion.php 12

can anyone help me to find out the PSR errors in the files.谁能帮我找出文件中的 PSR 错误。

here's the files and the error report:这是文件和错误报告:

cliVersion.php cli版本.php


require_once 'generateCLITable.php';
require_once '../model/validateInput.php';


// Assign the user's input argument value to $input variable
$inputString = $argv[1];

$errorMessage = "Please enter a valid argument (a whole number greater than 1)";

// Check if the user's input argument is not null or empty
if ($inputString == null || $inputString == "") {
    echo $errorMessage;
} else {

    // Create an object of ValidateInput Class
    $inputData = new ValidateInput();

     Validate the $input variable received from the user as an argument.
     The code will be safe to be processed after this line.
    $validatedInput = $inputData->validateInputData($inputString);
    $validatedInputInt = (int)$validatedInput;

     Check if the validated input is an Integer and if it is,
     generates the table else returns the error message
    $isInputValidInt = $inputData->isInputInt($validatedInputInt);

    if ($isInputValidInt && $validatedInputInt > 1) {
        $multTable = new MultTable();
    } else {
        echo $errorMessage;

echo PHP_EOL;

GenerateCLITable.php生成 CLITable.php


class MultTable
     * The public generateTable function generates the multiplication table
     * @param int $inputValue
     * @return void
    public function generateTable(int $inputValue)

        // Create first row of table headers - green colour
        for ($col=1; $col <= $inputValue; $col++) {
            echo "\033[35m \t$col \033[0m";
        // Create remaining rows
        for ($row=1, $col=1; $row <= $inputValue; $row++) {
            echo "\n";
            // First cell is a table header - green colour
            if ($col == 1) {
                echo "\033[35m \n$row \033[0m";
            while ($col <= $inputValue) {
                echo "\t" . $row * $col++ ;
            // Reset $col at the end of the row
            $col = 1;

Error report:错误报告:




I guess you are trying to unit test the code.我猜您正在尝试对代码进行单元测试。 I would probably focus on trying to be as thoughtful with the code first .我可能会先集中精力尝试对代码进行周到考虑。 Take cliVersion, I think you can simplify it greatly by creating a single method to handle the input.以cliVersion为例,我认为您可以通过创建一个处理输入的单一方法来大大简化它。 Also I find a lot of issue with your comments and variables and overdesign.此外,我发现您的评论、变量和过度设计存在很多问题。


Revised Version:经过修改的版本:

//declare(strict_types=1); // I'm using php 5 so I don't have this (but ok for you)
require_once 'generateCLITable.php';
require_once '../model/validateInput.php';

$must_be_gtr_than = 1; // set floor val for validation
$inputData = new ValidateInput($must_be_gtr_than);
$multTable = new MultTable();

if ($inputData->isValidIntegerData($argv[1])) {
    $tableSize = (int) $argv[1];
} else {
    echo "Error: Please enter a valid argument (a whole number greater than ".$must_be_gtr_than.")";

In this example I have one method alone that validates that I have an integer > 0, if isValidIntegerData than proceed .在这个例子中,我有一个方法来验证我有一个整数> 0,如果 isValidIntegerData 比继续。 Think about ease of code and names that make sense generateTable doesn't tell me much, is there a better name ?想想简单的代码和有意义的名称 generateTable 并没有告诉我太多,有没有更好的名称? Things like that.像这样的东西。 Take "$validatedInputInt", that doesn't speak to what you are doing as well as what that int is, "tableSize" makes more sense to me.以“$validatedInputInt”为例,它并不能说明您在做什么以及该 int 是什么,“tableSize”对我来说更有意义。 Also we many times save camel back for Classes etc.. I would look up PSR2.此外,我们多次为类等保存骆驼。我会查找 PSR2。

For example we use例如我们使用

CONST_SOMETHING  = xx; //constants
var_x or varx // lowercase for vars
methodX  //camel back 
ClassName // ucwords for classes 

UPDATE: This is how I would probably go about building something like this:更新:这就是我可能会去构建这样的东西:

//declare(strict_types=1); // PHP5.x Example

class GenerateCLITable
    const DEFAULT_BOARD_SIZE = 12;
    public $game_board, $table_size;

    public function __construct($input = self::DEFAULT_BOARD_SIZE)
        $this->game_board = $this->generateTable($input);

    public function generateTable($inputValue = self::DEFAULT_BOARD_SIZE)
        $table = "";
        // Create first row of table headers - green colour
        for ($col=1; $col <= $inputValue; $col++) {
            $table .= "\033[35m \t$col \033[0m";
        // Create remaining rows
        for ($row=1, $col=1; $row <= $inputValue; $row++) {
            $table .= "\n";
            // First cell is a table header - green colour
            if ($col == 1) {
                $table .= "\033[35m \n$row \033[0m";
            while ($col <= $inputValue) {
                $table .=  "\t" . $row * $col++ ;
            // Reset $col at the end of the row
            $col = 1;
        $this->game_board = $table;
        $this->table_size = $inputValue;
        return $table;

    public function isValidInputValue($input = '', $size = 0)
        return (!empty($input) && $input > $size) ? (is_int((int) $input)) : false;


//require_once 'generateCLITable.php';
$multTable = new GenerateCLITable();
$must_be_gtr_than = 1;

if (!$multTable->isValidInputValue($argv[1], $must_be_gtr_than)) {
    echo "Error: Please enter a valid argument (a whole number greater than ".$must_be_gtr_than.")";
$table = $multTable->generateTable((int) $argv[1]);
echo $table . "\n";

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