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[英]Uninstalling Netbeans and installing Eclipse

I will be switching from NetBeans to Eclipse for Java development, and want to know what will happen to my current NetBeans project files before doing so. 我将从NetBeans切换到Eclipse进行Java开发,并想在这样做之前先了解当前的NetBeans项目文件会发生什么。 Will uninstalling NetBeans delete my project files and folders? 卸载NetBeans会删除我的项目文件和文件夹吗? What is the proper way to uninstall so no important files are lost? 什么是正确的卸载方式,从而不会丢失重要文件?

Will uninstalling NetBeans delete my project files and folders? 卸载NetBeans会删除我的项目文件和文件夹吗?

No, definitely not. 不,绝对不是。 They will still be there after you uninstall/delete NetBeans, unless you unwisely created projects within your NetBeans installation structure. 除非您在NetBeans安装结构中不明智地创建了项目,否则在卸载/删除NetBeans之后它们仍将在那里。 That is highly unlikely, but I'll mention it just for completeness. 那是极不可能的,但我仅出于完整性而提及。

What is the proper way to uninstall so no important files are lost? 什么是正确的卸载方式,从而不会丢失重要文件?

This is a moot point, since none of your project files will be lost, if that is what you mean by "important" files. 这是一个有争议的问题,因为如果这就是“重要”文件的意思,则不会丢失任何项目文件。

With respect to properly uninstalling NetBeans, the approach depends on how NetBeans was originally installed. 关于正确卸载NetBeans,此方法取决于最初安装NetBeans的方式。 There are two possibilities: 有两种可能性:

  1. NetBeans may have been installed using an installer wizard. 可以使用安装程序向导来安装NetBeans。 That was certainly the case for NetBeans 8.2 on Windows. Windows上的NetBeans 8.2肯定是这种情况。 In that scenario there will be an entry for NetBeans in Control Panel under Programs > Programs and Features . 在这种情况下,“ 控制面板 ”中的“ 程序”>“程序和功能”下将有一个NetBeans条目。 In that scenario you should just click the Uninstall button to uninstall NetBeans. 在这种情况下,您只需单击“ 卸载”按钮即可卸载NetBeans。 (I don't whether a similar process may exist for Linux installation.) (我不知道Linux安装是否可能存在类似的过程。)

  2. Alternatively, NetBeans may have been installed by unzipping a downloaded zip file. 或者,可以通过解压缩下载的zip文件来安装NetBeans。 That was certainly the case for Apache NetBeans 9.0 on Windows and Linux. Windows和Linux上的Apache NetBeans 9.0肯定是这种情况。 In that scenario you should simply delete the unzipped directory to uninstall NetBeans. 在这种情况下,您只需要删除解压缩的目录即可卸载NetBeans。

However, there is an additional action to take which can potentially save you gigabytes of wasted disk space. 但是,还需要采取其他措施,这可能会节省数GB的磁盘空间浪费。 After uninstalling NetBeans, be sure to delete two directories that were created on your behalf by NetBeans. 卸载NetBeans之后,请确保删除两个由NetBeans代表您创建的目录。 To identify those directories, do the following prior to uninstalling NetBeans: 要标识这些目录,请在卸载NetBeans之前执行以下操作:

  • Open NetBeans for the final time. 最后一次打开NetBeans。
  • Help > About will open a screen similar to this, depending on which version of NetBeans you are uninstalling: “帮助”>“关于”将打开一个与此类似的屏幕,具体取决于您要卸载的NetBeans版本:


  • There are a couple of directories specified near the bottom of the screen: User directory and Cache directory . 屏幕底部附近指定了两个目录: 用户目录缓存目录 These directories contain information relevant only for NetBeans, such as configuration details, installation options, and (if you created Maven projects) a local repository. 这些目录包含仅与NetBeans相关的信息,例如配置详细信息,安装选项和(如果创建了Maven项目)本地存储库。

  • Take a screen shot of that About screen. 拍摄“ 关于”屏幕的屏幕快照。

After you have uninstalled/deleted NetBeans, you should also delete the User directory and Cache directory . 卸载/删除NetBeans之后,还应该删除User目录Cache目录 Without a NetBeans installation they contain nothing of any value. 如果没有安装NetBeans,它们将不包含任何值。 Get the names of those directories by referring to the screen shot you took earlier if necessary. 如有必要,请参考之前拍摄的屏幕快照,获取这些目录的名称。

Other files you may want to consider removing after deleting NetBeans: 删除NetBeans之后,您可能要考虑删除的其他文件:

  • You may want to remove JDK installations that you added to NetBeans as Java Platforms , that are no longer needed. 您可能希望删除不再需要作为Java平台添加到NetBeans的JDK安装。
  • If you were using NetBeans for other languages you may want to uninstall additional components (such as Cygwin for C++, Grails for Groovy, etc.). 如果您将NetBeans用于其他语言,则可能需要卸载其他组件(例如,用于C ++的Cygwin,用于Groovy的Grails等)。
  • If you installed NetBeans by unzipping, delete the original downloaded zip file if it still exists. 如果通过解压缩安装了NetBeans,请删除原始下载的zip文件(如果该文件仍然存在)。

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