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[英]Program to find how many words in a text don't contain a specific character

The following program runs without printing anything on the screen, maybe because the loop goes over the null character. 下面的程序运行时没有在屏幕上打印任何内容,可能是因为循环超出了空字符。 I can't understand why and how this happens, and how to fix it. 我不明白为什么会发生这种情况以及如何发生这种情况,以及如何解决它。

//program to find how many word in the text doesn't contain p char

#define space ' '

void find_word(char s[]) {
  bool wordfound = false;

  int i, j = 0, word = 0;
  i = 0;

  while (s[i]) { //s[i]!='\0'  does not

    if (s[i] != 'p' && s[i + 1] != space) { //for the first word 
      wordfound = true;

    wordfound = false;

    if (s[i] == space && s[i + 1] != space) { //for more than one word in the text 
      for (j = i + 1; s[j] != space; j++)
        if (s[j] != 'p' && s[j + 1] != space)
          wordfound = true;
    if (wordfound) {
    wordfound = false;
    i = j;
  } //end while loop

  printf("Number of words not contain p character%d\n\n", word);


int main(void) {
  char s[] = {"pppp zzzz ppp ssss dfg sfsfdsf"};
  return 0;

You appear to have your for-loop terminating condition set to be unsatisfiable given your input. 鉴于您的输入,您似乎将for-loop终止条件设置为无法满足。

if (s[i] == space && s[i + 1] != space) { //for more than one word in the text 
  for (j = i + 1; s[j] != space; j++)
    if (s[j] != 'p' && s[j + 1] != space)
      wordfound = true;

Here you are checking for a leading space in your input string. 在这里,您正在检查输入字符串中的前导空格。 If you find it you then increment your index checking until you reach another space. 如果找到它,则增加索引检查,直到到达另一个空间。 What if your string doesn't have a trailing space? 如果您的字符串没有尾随空格怎么办?

Instead try to have a second condition for null and space to terminate the loop: 相反,尝试让null 空格具有第二个条件来终止循环:

if (s[i] == space && s[i + 1] != space) { //for more than one word in the text 
  for (j = i + 1; s[j] != '\0' && [j] != space; j++)
    if (s[j] != 'p' && s[j + 1] != space)
      wordfound = true;

And then you set: 然后您设置:

    wordfound = false;
    i = j;
  } //end while loop

This will keep re-setting your loop, I'm not clear on your reasoning for this but that will run your loop indefinitely. 这将继续重新设置您的循环,我不清楚您对此的原因,但这将无限期地运行您的循环。

If you make these edits your code terminates: 如果进行这些编辑,则代码将终止:

#define space ' '

void find_word(char s[]) {
  bool wordfound = false;

  int i, j = 0, word = 0;
  i = 0;

  while (s[i]) { //s[i]!='\0'  does not

    if (s[i] != 'p' && s[i + 1] != space) { //for the first word 
      wordfound = true;

    wordfound = false;

    if (s[i] == space && s[i + 1] != space) { //for more than one word in the text 
      for (j = i + 1; s[j] && s[j] != space; j++)
        if (s[j] != 'p' && s[j + 1] != space)
          wordfound = true;
    if (wordfound) {
    wordfound = false;
  } //end while loop

  printf("Number of words not contain p character%d\n\n", word);


int main(void) {
  char s[] = {"pppp zzzz ppp ssss dfg sfsfdsf"};
  return 0;

Output: 输出:

Number of words not contain p character24

There are a few problems with this code, but the main one is that inside the loop you assign j to i which causes the infinite loop as the while(s[i]) condition is never met. 这段代码有一些问题,但是主要的问题是在循环中,您将j分配给i ,这导致了无限循环,因为while(s [i])条件从未得到满足。 Why don't you try to make it simple, like so: 您为什么不尝试使其变得简单,例如:

//program to find how many word in the text doesn't contain p char

#define space ' '

void find_word(char s[]) {
  bool is_in = false;
  short words_count = 0, i = 0; 

  while (s[i]) {
      if (s[i] == 'p') { // if this letter is a 'p', mark the word
          is_in = true;

      if (s[i] == space) { // if it's end of word
          if (!is_in) { // check if 'p' is present and increase the count
          is_in = false;


  if (!is_in) { // check if the last word has 'p'

  printf("no. of words without p is %d\n", words_count);


int main(void) {
  char s[] = {"pppp zzzz ppp ssss dfg sfsfdsf"};
  return 0;

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