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[英]Is there a way to theme with emotion without “styled”

With emotion ( https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion ) I know I can theme with css and styled together with something like: 有了emotionhttps://github.com/emotion-js/emotion ),我知道我可以使用css主题,并使用类似以下内容的styled

const carouselCss = ({ theme }) => css`
 .. css properties etc

const CarouselDiv = styled('div')`

Then in JSX: 然后在JSX中:

<ThemeProvider theme={{ stuff: 'blah' }}>

But is there any elegant way to theme with only css - prefer not to use componentized styles because I want to keep to semantic html elements in JSX (also have a massive code base and its easier to migrate from sass to emotion without having to use styled ) 但是,只有css才能以任何优雅的方式来主题化主题-不希望使用组件化styles因为我想保留JSX中的语义html元素(也具有庞大的代码库,并且无需使用styled即可轻松地将其从Sass迁移到情感。 )

I know I can do something like: 我知道我可以做类似的事情:

const carouselCss = (theme) => css`
 .. css properties etc

then jsx: 然后是jsx:

<div className={carouselCss(this.props.theme)}>

But it means passing a theme prop all the time from the component - which is a little cumbersome 但这意味着始终从组件中传递主题道具-有点麻烦

Is there a better way to do this ? 有一个更好的方法吗 ? Somehow wrap css with something so it has theme vars injected ? 以某种方式用某些东西包装css ,以便注入主题var?

You could use theme HoC . 您可以使用主题HoC But if your concern is prop passing to slider, this HoC is basically doing the same, ie injects theme into this.props.theme . 但是,如果您关心的是道具传递到滑块,则此HoC基本上是在做同样的事情, this.props.theme theme注入this.props.theme Personally, i would use ThemeProvider API if possible, maybe with function-style theme, as pointed out in the docs: 就个人而言,我将在可能的情况下使用ThemeProvider API ,如文档中指出的那样,可能使用函数样式的主题:

// function-style theme; note that if multiple <ThemeProvider> are used,
// the parent theme will be passed as a function argument

const adjustedTheme = ancestorTheme => ({ ...ancestorTheme, color: 'blue' });

ThemeProvider will get you that. ThemeProvider将为您提供。 Here is an example with both styled and css options shown : 这是显示styledcss选项的示例:

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from '@emotion/core'
import styled from '@emotion/styled'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming'

const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: 'hotpink'

const SomeText = styled.div`
  color: ${props => props.theme.colors.primary};

  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <SomeText>some text</SomeText>
    <div css={theme => ({ color: theme.colors.primary })}>
      some other text

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