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将Arduino的连续串行端口通信转换并更新为Visual Studios(C#)中的整数数组

[英]Convert and update continuous serial port communication from Arduino to an integer array in Visual Studios (C#)

I am currently reading data coming in continuously from an i2c sensor connected to an Arduino and capturing the data successfully in Visual Studios. 我目前正在读取来自连接到Arduino的i2c传感器的连续数据,并在Visual Studios中成功捕获数据。 The sensor is getting 4 different X, Y values and then sends them via Serial.Print in the format of: 传感器获取4个不同的X,Y值,然后通过Serial.Print以以下格式发送它们:

X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4 (Where X1 - X4 and Y1 - Y4 are values that range betwen 0-1023 ie, 1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023) which is then followed up with a Serial.println("") command. X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4(其中X1-X4和Y1-Y4是介于0-1023之间的值,即1023、1023、1023、1023、1023、1023、1023、1023)然后跟着Serial.println(“”)命令。 This whole process is repeated continuously until turned off. 整个过程不断重复进行,直到关闭为止。 Arduino code: Arduino代码:

for (i=0;i<16;i++) { data_buf[i]=0; }
      while(Wire.available() && i < 16) {
        data_buf[i] = Wire.read();

     Ix[0] = data_buf[1];
     Iy[0] = data_buf[2];
     s = data_buf[3];
     //Ix[0] += (s & 0x30) <<4;
     Ix[0] = data_buf[1] | ((data_buf[3] >> 4) & 0x03) << 8;
     Iy[0] = data_buf[2] | ((data_buf[3] >> 6) & 0x03) << 8;
     //Ix[0] = Ix[0] / test;

     Ix[1] = data_buf[4];
     Iy[1] = data_buf[5];
     s = data_buf[6];
     Ix[1] += (s & 0x30) <<4;
     Iy[1] += (s & 0xC0) <<2;

     Ix[2] = data_buf[7];
     Iy[2] = data_buf[8];
     s = data_buf[9];
     Ix[2] += (s & 0x30) <<4;
     Iy[2] += (s & 0xC0) <<2;

     Ix[3] = data_buf[10];
     Iy[3] = data_buf[11];
     s = data_buf[12];
     Ix[3] += (s & 0x30) <<4;
     Iy[3] += (s & 0xC0) <<2;

      for(i=0; i<4; i++)
if (Ix[i] < 1000)
if (Ix[i] < 100)
if (Ix[i] < 10)
    Serial.print( int(Ix[i]) );
if (Iy[i] < 1000)
if (Iy[i] < 100)
if (Iy[i] < 10)
Serial.print( int(Iy[i]) );
if (i<3)


What I'm have problems with, is converting those values from within Visual Studios so that I can pass on the data as individual integer values. 我遇到的问题是,在Visual Studios中转换这些值,以便我可以将数据作为单个整数值传递。 What I have now: 我现在所拥有的:

void _spManager_NewSerialDataRecieved(object sender, SerialDataEventArgs e)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // Using this.Invoke causes deadlock when closing serial port, and BeginInvoke is good                      practice anyway.
                this.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler<SerialDataEventArgs>(_spManager_NewSerialDataRecieved), new object[] { sender, e });

            int maxTextLength = 1000; // maximum text length in text box
            if (tbData.TextLength > maxTextLength)
                tbData.Text = tbData.Text.Remove(0, tbData.TextLength - maxTextLength);

            // This application is connected to a Arduino sending ASCCI characters, so data is converted                to text
            string Rawstr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(e.Data);

            //Get values that are between the ',' from e.Data and store them in our new array
            string[] str = Rawstr.Split(',');

            //Convert str array into new int[] array (or similar) I've tried multiple things with no success
             //This results in a "Input string was not in a correct format" error.
            int xx = Convert.ToInt32(str[0]);



This is where I am currently stuck. 这是我目前卡住的地方。 I believe I have an issue where pretty much an infant number of values are going into the string[] str because I don't have a limit on it before it starts to put new values into/and replacing the string values already in it. 我相信我有一个问题,其中几乎所有的婴儿值都会放入string [] str中,因为在开始将新值放入/替换其中的字符串值之前,我对此没有限制。

Any guidance is appreciated. 任何指导表示赞赏。

You can use Linq. 您可以使用Linq。
First split on , , skip the empty and whitespace characters, then trim of the first character (X or Y) and convert the remaining part to an integer. 首先在,分割,跳过空白和空白字符,然后修剪第一个字符(X或Y),并将其余部分转换为整数。

String Rawstr = "x1,y1,x2,y2," + Environment.NewLine;
Int32[] integers = Rawstr.Split(new [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(s => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Select(s => Convert.ToInt32(s.Substring(1))).ToArray();

For "x1,y1,x2,y2," you get an integer array containing [1,1,2,2] . 对于"x1,y1,x2,y2,"您将获得一个包含[1,1,2,2]的整数数组。

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