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[英]Returning a value from switch statement

I'm new to web development (JS) and I know there are many topics matching the title of mine, but no similar questions were answered, or maybe because I'm newbie, couldn't find. 我是Web开发(JS)的新手,我知道有许多主题与我的标题匹配,但没有回答类似的问题,或者可能是因为我是新手,所以找不到。

In the code below I wanted my function and switch statements, to retrieve values from the arrays (bills) and in order to calculate new value, which to be assigned into a new non-existing place into the array tips . 在下面的代码中,我希望我的function和switch语句能够从数组(清单)中检索值,并计算出新值,然后将其分配给数组tips不存在的新位置。 As a final result I want the function to return tips array with the value, depending on the case. 作为最终结果,我希望函数根据情况返回带值的tips数组。

I know another way for solving this, anyway I was wondering whats wrong here, because that idea for solving it first came to my mind, and I thought it would work. 我知道解决此问题的另一种方法,无论如何,我想知道这里出了什么问题,因为我首先想到了solving这个solving想法,而且我认为它会起作用。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

var tips = [];
var bills = [124, 48, 264];

function tipCalc(bills, tips){
    case bills < 50:
      tips[0] = bills[1] * 0.2;

    case bills > 50:
      tips[1] = bills[0] * 0.5;

      console.log('no tips left.');
  return tips;

tips = tipCalc(bills[0]);

enter code here

Let's break this code down a bit and talk about what it's doing 让我们将这段代码分解一下,讨论一下它在做什么

var tips = [];
var bills = [124, 48, 264];

This part is declaring two variables in the global scope, which will both be accessible by any functions for both reading and writing (important - Google JS closures). 这部分是在全局范围内声明两个变量,任何函数都可以访问它们以进行读写(重要的-Google JS闭包)。

function tipCalc(bills, tips){

You have now started a function which calls a switch to evaluate the value of bills. 现在,您已经启动了一个函数,该函数调用一个开关来评估票据的价值。 Because you are passing in bills[0] , it will be evaluating bills[0] (124). 因为您要传递bills[0] ,所以它将评估bills [0](124)。 It also accepts a second parameter called tips, which is undefined because no second argument is passed in when the function is called. 它还接受一个名为tips的第二个参数,该参数是未定义的,因为调用该函数时不会传递第二个参数。

case bills < 50:
  tips[0] = bills[1] * 0.2;

This part is broken. 这部分坏了。 If it was changed to an if statement, it would evaluate to false. 如果将其更改为if语句,则其结果将为false。

case bills > 50:
  tips[1] = bills[0] * 0.5;

Also broken. 也坏了。 If changed to if statement, it would evaluate to true and be executed, but it would be performing an operation on undefined. 如果更改为if语句,它将评估为true并被执行,但是它将对未定义执行操作。 If you didn't h have a second param also named tips , then you would be setting the global tips to 62. 如果没有第二个参数,也称为tips ,则将全局tips设置为62。

      console.log('no tips left.');

This is the part that should currently be executed because it is the only one that can be true with the other two cases being structured incorrectly. 这是当前应执行的部分,因为这是唯一可以正确执行的部分,而其他两种情况的结构不正确。

  return tips;

Will return undefined because tips (within the scope of the function itself) began as undefined and has not been altered. 将返回undefined,因为技巧(在函数本身的范围内)以undefined开头,并且尚未更改。

  tips = tipCalc(bills[0]);
  enter code here

Breaks the whole program, should be a comment with // at the beginning. 中断整个程序,应以//开头的注释。

well, this is not good approach, but if it is required for you to use Switch you can try like this without bills array at all: 好吧,这不是一个好方法,但是如果您需要使用Switch,则可以尝试完全不使用bills数组的方式:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tips = [];

    function tipCalc(bill) {
        switch (true) {
            case (bill < 50):
                tips.push(bill * 0.2);

            case (bill > 50):

                tips.push(bill * 0.5);

                console.log('no tips left.');
        return tips;

    for (let index = 0; index < tips.length; index++) {



Or in case you need to compare bills array and depends to the value insert to tips array i would make it like : 或者,如果您需要比较bills数组,并取决于将值插入tips数组,我会这样:

<script type="text/javascript">

    var tips = [];
    var bills = [124, 48, 264];

    function tipCalc(bills) {
     for (let index = 0; index < bills.length; index++) {

         if (bills[index] <=50) {
            tips.push(bills[index] * 0.2);
         else if (bills[index] >= 50) {
            tips.push(bills[index] * 0.5);
             console.log("no tips left.");  

    for (let index = 0; index < tips.length; index++) {



Here's a verbose way of doing what I think you want to do. 这是我想做的详细方法。 (add up the tips total) (总计小费)

 // create a blank tips array which we'll add to later var tips = []; // our bills array var bills = [124, 48, 264]; // create a function that will calculate tips based on the bill totals function calculateTips() { // create a counter that we will use to determine when we've reached the end of the loop var forEachCounter = 0; // for each will loop through each item in the bills array bills.forEach(function(amount) { //this increases the counter by 1 on each loop forEachCounter++; switch(true) { case (amount <= 50): // .push appends to the array tips.push(amount * 0.2); break; case (amount > 50): // amount is the value of the bill for this iteration * 0.5 tips.push(amount * 0.5); break; } // if end of array has been reached // bills.length = the total amount of array items in bills arrat if (forEachCounter === bills.length) { // create a totalTips variable to add to var totalTips = 0; // create another counter to detect when end is reached var forEachCounter2 = 0; // loop through the tips array tips.forEach(function(tipamount) { // add 1 to counter on each loop forEachCounter2++; // add to totalTips // can also do totalTips = totalTips + tipamount; totalTips += tipamount; // when end of tip array is reached.. if (forEachCounter2 === tips.length) { //alert(totalTips); // output it to where you need it document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = totalTips; } }) } }) } // call it when you need it calculateTips(); 

note 注意

If you're working with a lot of tips (like an entire national restaurant chain) you may want to consider using if/else instead of switch because switch is demonstrated to be slower with ranges 如果您正在使用许多技巧(例如整个国家级餐厅连锁店),则可能要考虑使用if / else而不是switch,因为事实证明,范围变化会导致开关速度变慢

fiddle with it here 在这里摆弄

https://jsfiddle.net/Hastig/p1kfgreq/ https://jsfiddle.net/Hastig/p1kfgreq/

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