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使用'execute'编写Chef RSpec测试

[英]Writing chef rspec test using 'execute'

In my .rb file, I am attempting to write a spec test against this line of code (I did not write this code): 在我的.rb文件中,我试图针对此代码行编写规格测试(我未编写此代码):

execute "lvcreate -L #{node['ami_base']['opt']} -n opt vgpool"

In my _spec.rb file, my test looks like this for this particular section of code: 在我的_spec.rb文件中,此特定代码段的测试如下所示:

it 'executes lvcreate... -n opt vgpool' do
  expect(chef_run).to run_execute("lvcreate -L #{node['ami_base']['opt']} -n opt vgpool")

When I attempt: 当我尝试:

chef exec rspec....._spec.rb

I receive this error: 我收到此错误:

1) ami_base::lvm_drives executes lvcreate... -n opt vgpool
 Failure/Error: expect(chef_run).to run_execute("lvcreate -L #{node['ami_base']['opt']} -n opt vgpool")

   undefined local variable or method `node' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::AmiBaseLvmDrives:0x0000000005752268>
 # ./spec/unit/recipes/lvm_drives_spec.rb:33:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

I've written many tests against execute and they've all been successful. 我编写了许多针对execute测试,它们都成功了。 Do I need to modify the spec helper file? 我需要修改规范助手文件吗? I feel like it being a command line input and creating a volume that the command should be something other than run_execute, but i am coming up empty handed in a my searches for anything that works. 我觉得这是一个命令行输入并创建了一个卷,该命令应该是run_execute以外的其他内容,但是我空着手搜索任何有效的东西。


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