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[英]How to redirect user when clicking on a Chart element

I am using react-chartJs-2 library to display the charts.我正在使用react-chartJs-2库来显示图表。 Suppose, user clicks on the bar/Doughnut chart section he must be redirected to a specific page.假设,用户点击条形图/甜甜圈图部分,他必须被重定向到特定页面。 Following is the code I have done for DoughnutChart:以下是我为 DoughnutChart 所做的代码:

  1. ChartDisplay.jsx ChartDisplay.jsx
<div className="DonutChartSection" >
   <Doughnut labelArray = {this.state.labelArr} DataArray = {this.state.DoughnutDataArr} colorArray = {this.state.DoughnutColorArr} title={"Employees"} />
  1. Doughnut.jsx Doughnut.jsx

     import React from 'react'; import {Doughnut} from 'react-chartjs-2'; Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontStyle = 'Bold'; Chart.defaults.global.defaultLegendPosition = 'left'; export default class DoughnutChartView extends React.Component{ constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = { }; } render() { let data = { labels: this.props.labelArray, datasets: [{ data: this.props.DataArray, backgroundColor: this.props.colorArray, hoverBackgroundColor: this.props.colorArray, }] } return ( <div> <span className="titleName" >{this.props.title}</span> <Doughnut data={data} /> </div> ); } };

I went through the github page and found the following event which can be used for click event but can't figure out how can I use it in my code.我浏览了 github 页面,发现以下事件可用于单击事件,但不知道如何在我的代码中使用它。

https://github.com/jerairrest/react-chartjs-2#onelementsclick--getelementsatevent-function https://github.com/jerairrest/react-chartjs-2#onelementsclick--getelementsatevent-function

Indeed, you actually answered your question already: onElementsClick can be used to execute an action when user clicks on an element of the chart.实际上,您实际上已经回答了您的问题: onElementsClick可用于在用户单击图表元素时执行操作。 onElementsClick is a prop of the chart itself, so: onElementsClick是图表本身的道具,所以:

<Doughnut data={data} onElementsClick={elems => {
    // if required to build the URL, you can 
    // get datasetIndex and value index from an `elem`:
    console.log(elems[0]._datasetIndex + ', ' + elems[0]._index);
    // and then redirect to the target page:
    window.location = "https://example.com";
}} />

Note that elems may include more than one element, for example in case of a stacked bar chart (in which case it includes all elements of a bar clicked).请注意, elems可能包含多个元素,例如在堆积条形图的情况下(在这种情况下,它包括单击的条形图的所有元素)。

here is a actually quick solution for clicking on a pie Chart这是单击饼图的实际快速解决方案

import { Pie } from 'react-chartjs-2'
            getElementAtEvent={(data) => {
                if(data.length >= 1){
                    const dataItem: any  = data[0]
                    const index = dataItem.index
                    const foundLabel = props.labels[index]
                    // redirect or do stuff

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