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cout 不向控制台打印任何内容

[英]cout not printing anything to console

I am trying to use cout to print out c strings from a dynamically allocated 2D char array called charArray .我正在尝试使用cout从名为charArray的动态分配的二维字符数组中打印出 c 字符串。 The snippet where I am printing is here:我打印的片段在这里:

for(int k=0; k<intSize; k++)

for(int i = 0; i<intSize; i++)
    delete [] charArray[i];
delete [] charArray;

intSize is how many C strings are in charArray . intSize是许多C字符串如何在charArray However, when I run the program, "hello" is printed once, and nothing else prints, not the charArray nor the i in the second for loop.但是,当我运行程序时, "hello"被打印一次,没有其他打印,不是第二个 for 循环中的charArray和 i。 I already confirmed earlier in my code that charArray is properly filled by successfully using cout .我之前已经在我的代码中确认通过成功使用cout正确填充了charArray I ran gdb to try and find the issue, and in gdb the for loops are fully iterating through, so for some reason after the first cout , the couts stop working.我运行 gdb 来尝试查找问题,并且在 gdb 中 for 循环完全迭代,因此由于某种原因在第一次cout , couts 停止工作。 I also tried to flush after every cout , but still the same thing.我也尝试在每次cout后冲洗,但仍然是同样的事情。

Try this:尝试这个:

#include <iostream>
int main()
    const char*nul = nullptr;
    std::cout << "before "<< nul << "after\n";

The output will be:输出将是:


This is what is happening to you - you are trying to print a nullptr string.这就是发生在您身上的事情 - 您正在尝试打印一个 nullptr 字符串。 One of charArray[intSize-1-k] is null. charArray[intSize-1-k]为空。 Possibly reading it out of bounds.可能会越界阅读它。 Writing a null string sets badbit to std::cout .写入空字符串将 badbit 设置为std::cout

To avoid this there are two things you can do:为了避免这种情况,您可以做两件事:

  1. Validate that a char* is not null, before printing it.在打印之前验证char*不为空。

  2. std::cout.exceptions(std::ostream::failbit); will make operator<< throw an exception at the offending line of code.将使operator<<在有问题的代码行抛出异常。 A debugger can catch the exception, and let you find your bug easily (gdb has catch throw ).调试器可以捕获异常,并让您轻松找到错误(gdb 有catch throw )。 If you have an exception handler, don't forget to have it call std::cout.clear();如果你有一个异常处理程序,不要忘记让它调用std::cout.clear(); . .

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