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[英]JSON tree storage format

This is more of a conceptual type of question for storing and updating the data for a tree. 这更多是概念性的问题类型,用于存储和更新树的数据。 Let's take a common example - a virtual dom from something like React. 让我们举一个常见的例子-来自React之类的虚拟dom。

A common json storage for a tree that represents a dom would be something like: 代表dom的树的通用json存储如下:

  nodeId: 'nodeId1',
  childrenNodes: [
      nodeId: 'nodeId2',
      childrenNodes: [...]

So, I'm looking at a tree with either BFS or DFS (I believe React does DFS) to find a specific element to change it. 所以,我正在看一棵带有BFS或DFS的树(我相信React会做DFS)以查找更改它的特定元素。

Another possible implementation of this same tree might be where I store it more like a hash table looking format: 同一棵树的另一种可能的实现方式可能是我将其存储在更像哈希表外观格式的位置:

  nodeId1: {...nodeData, childrenNodes: [nodeId2]},
  nodeId2: {...nodeData, childrenNodes: [nodeId3, nodeId4]},

So getting a specific node could be potentially O(1), since we're just hashing all the node ids, rather than having to traverse the tree each time. 因此,获取特定节点的可能性可能为O(1),因为我们只是对所有节点ID进行哈希处理,而不必每次都遍历树。

For something like a virtual dom where we could be storing the state for tens or even hundreds of thousands of possible elements, I think storing one way over the other would be negligible, but we probably wouldn't want to have both structures in memory (though maybe it would be fine to have both?). 对于诸如虚拟dom之类的东西,我们可以将状态存储成千上万个可能的元素,我认为一种方式存储在另一种方式上可以忽略不计,但是我们可能不希望在内存中同时拥有这两种结构(虽然也许两者都可以吗?)。

Assuming both structures have assigned ids for each node, adding and removing nodes would be fairly easy in both cases. 假设两个结构都为每个节点分配了ID,则在两种情况下添加和删除节点都非常容易。 We could also assume in both cases, each child has a reference to its parent node. 在这两种情况下,我们都可以假定每个子节点都有对其父节点的引用。

The question I'm down to is which structure would make more sense to use in a general case, or would it make sense to track with both structures if we were focused on updating a node or set of nodes as quickly as possible? 我要问的问题是,在一般情况下使用哪种结构更有意义,或者如果我们专注于尽快更新一个节点或一组节点,那么对这两个结构进行跟踪是否有意义? If I was going to make a framework from scratch, I could see both cases being useful for different scenarios, but I would have to keep in mind limited memory devices like older phones. 如果我要从头开始构建框架,我会发现这两种情况在不同情况下都是有用的,但我必须牢记有限的存储设备(例如旧手机)。

Nobody answered, so I'll just give my opinion based on additional research and observations. 没有人回答,因此我将基于其他研究和观察给出我的意见。

The hash solution presented would be faster in some scenarios for accessing a node. 在某些访问节点的方案中,提出的哈希解决方案会更快。 However, readability and extending this solution for other possible integrations makes it a much tougher structure to deal with. 但是,可读性强并且将此解决方案扩展到其他可能的集成,使它的处理起来要困难得多。 If I was going to use those arrays of ids, I would want to do it as a separate structure meant only for searching, but not for updating many nodes at once. 如果要使用这些ID数组,则希望将其作为一个单独的结构进行操作,仅用于搜索,而不能一次更新多个节点。

For most scenarios, the more verbose tree outline will make sense and be easier to work with. 在大多数情况下,更详细的树轮廓将很有意义并且更易于使用。

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