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带有python psycopg DataError的Postgresql:整数超出范围

[英]Postgresql with python psycopg DataError: integer out of range

I have a line of code thate give me this error: DataError: integer out of range 我有一行代码给我这个错误: DataError: integer out of range

The line of code is this : 代码行是这样的:

c.execute("INSERT INTO Users_Chat (Chat, User, Name, Id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (chat_version, user_id, name_user, 0, ))

I have created the table and columns with this command: 我已经使用以下命令创建了表和列:

CREATE TABLE Users_Chat (Chat INT, User INT, Name TEXT, Id INT);
c.execute("INSERT INTO Users_Chat (Chat, User, Name, Id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (chat_version, user_id, name_user, 0, ))

Expects only numeric/ingegers values according to doc. 根据文档仅需要数字/整数值。

Python numeric objects int, long, float, Decimal are converted into a PostgreSQL numerical representation: Python数字对象int,long,float,Decimal被转换为PostgreSQL数字表示形式:

https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-numeric.html https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-numeric.html


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