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[英]Revit parameters are getting renamed when a Revit file is being imported into Forge autodesk-model-derivative

Please find attached the issue that we are seeing in Forge. 请查看附件中我们在Forge中看到的问题。 The parameters are getting renamed when a Revit file is being imported into forge. 将Revit文件导入到伪造时,参数将被重命名。 When we click on the properties of the element after uploading the file on forge, we find that some parameter names get changed. 在将文件上传到伪造后单击元素的属性时,我们发现某些参数名称已更改。 Due to this when we try exporting those parameters into a database or excel sheet we lose information. 因此,当我们尝试将这些参数导出到数据库或Excel工作表时,我们会丢失信息。 Please try to see how we can escalate this issue. 请尝试看看我们如何升级此问题。 We need to know if this is something to do with our systems, or files or with Forge in general. 我们需要知道这是否与我们的系统,文件或一般与Forge有关。 It did not used to happen earlier, but it is repeating now on all new files that are being uploaded. 它以前没有发生过,但是现在在所有正在上载的新文件中重复执行。

Following is the link to a sample file for reference:- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ck1hpyxpyte2tya/AABSOUqzKMjPtpfax7ULSloia/SCM-Qty-Test1.rvt?dl=0 以下是示例文件的链接以供参考: -https : //www.dropbox.com/sh/ck1hpyxpyte2tya/AABSOUqzKMjPtpfax7ULSloia/SCM-Qty-Test1.rvt?dl=0

Forge Team is investigating. 伪造团队正在调查中。 I'll update you as soon as we figure out what is going on. 一旦发现了问题,我会尽快通知您。 Cheers 干杯

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