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Excel VBA - 循环中单元格的条件格式

[英]Excel VBA - conditional formatting of cells in a loop

I have a number of figures in cells in range C1:E3.我在 C1:E3 范围内的单元格中有许多数字。 I want to apply a conditional formatting of the cells in each row, based on the value provided in column 1. So, for example for range C1:E1 I want to fill with red all the cells with a value greater than value in cell A1, for range C2:E2 - with a value greater than A2 etc. I've tried to write a loop, but I don't know how to properly refer to the values that determine formatting - in the code below it's the part "Formula1:="=A&row". How to do it right?我想根据第 1 列中提供的值对每行中的单元格应用条件格式。因此,例如对于范围 C1:E1,我想用红色填充所有值大于单元格 A1 中的值的单元格, 对于范围 C2:E2 - 值大于 A2 等。我尝试编写一个循环,但我不知道如何正确引用确定格式的值 - 在下面的代码中,它是“Formula1”部分:="=A&row". 怎么做才对?

Sub color()

For Row = 1 To 3

    Range(Cells(Row, 3), Cells(Row, 5)).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    With Selection

         .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _
        .FormatConditions(1).Interior.color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

    End With

Next Row
End Sub

The $A1 thing is not intuitive unless you've used Excel / Conditional Formatting a lot, but this also works:除非您经常使用 Excel / 条件格式,否则 $A1 的东西并不直观,但这也有效:

Sub color()

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    With Range(Cells(1, 3), Cells(3, 5))

      .FormatConditions.add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _
     .FormatConditions(1).Interior.color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

    End With
End Sub

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