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[英]Mutate multiple columns with conditions using dplyr

I have a large dataset for which I want to create 50 new variables where the values are conditional on values in previous columns, and the name of the variables reflect this fact. 我有一个很大的数据集,我想为其创建50个新变量,其中的值取决于前几列中的值,并且变量的名称反映了这一事实。 To make it more intelligible, here is an example: 为了使它更清晰,下面是一个示例:

df <- tibble("a" = runif(10,1990,2000),
         "event" = 1995) %>%
      mutate("relative_event" = a - event)

Now with this dataset I would like to create dummy variables that code if the specific observation is one year prior to the event, 2 year prior, etc, as well as forward. 现在,使用此数据集,我想创建一个虚拟变量,对特定观察是在事件发生前的一年,事件发生的前两年等(以及向前)进行编码。 One clumsy way to do this (which works) is: 一种笨拙的方法(有效)是:

df <- df %>%
  mutate("event_b1" = ifelse( (relative_event<=0) & (relative_event > -1),1,0)) %>%
  mutate("event_b2" = ifelse( (relative_event<=-1) & (relative_event > -2),1,0)) %>% #etc with more lagx
  mutate("event_f1" = ifelse( (relative_event>0) & (relative_event < 1),1,0)) %>%
  mutate("event_f2" = ifelse( (relative_event>1) & (relative_event < 2 ),1,0)) #etc with more forward

where b1 is for "one year before" and f2 is for "2 years forward". 其中b1代表“前一年”,f2代表“未来2年”。 The result looks like this: 结果看起来像这样:

 A tibble: 10 x 7
       a event relative_event event_b1 event_b2 event_f1 event_f2
    <dbl> <dbl>          <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
  1 1993.  1995         -1.94         0        1        0        0
  2 1992.  1995         -2.59         0        0        0        0
  3 2000.  1995          4.75         0        0        0        0
  4 1998.  1995          3.25         0        0        0        0
  5 1991.  1995         -3.88         0        0        0        0
  6 1992.  1995         -3.02         0        0        0        0
  7 1996.  1995          1.08         0        0        0        1
  8 1994.  1995         -1.04         0        1        0        0
  9 1993.  1995         -2.22         0        0        0        0
 10 1995.  1995         -0.302        1        0        0        0

Since I have more than 50 columns to create I would like to know how to do it automatically so that I don't have to copy-paste 49 times and manually change the condition and the variable name. 由于我要创建的列超过50个,因此我想知道如何自动执行此操作,这样就不必复制粘贴49次并手动更改条件和变量名。 I spent time looking on SO on this thread , this one and on CV as well but I am still clueless. 我花时间在这SO找上线 ,这一个和CV很好,但我仍然毫无头绪。 I tried the following code which does not work: 我尝试了以下无效的代码:

for (i in 0:10) {

  if (i<0) {

    event_bi  <- paste0("event_b",i)
    df <- df %>%
      mutate(get(event_bi) = ifelse((relative_event<=-(i-1)) & (relative_event>-i),1,0)) 


Ideally I'd like to learn how to do it with dplyr but if there is an obvious Base R solution I'm happy to learn it as well. 理想情况下,我想学习使用dplyr的方法,但是如果有明显的Base R解决方案,我也很高兴学习它。

Thanks! 谢谢!

I won't claim that this is the full answer but hopefully this stimulates some other users to comment/post 我不会说这是完整的答案,但希望这会刺激其他一些用户发表评论/发表评论

     # load packages

     # your dataframe
     df <- tibble("a" = runif(10,1990,2000),
                  "event" = 1995) %>%
       mutate("relative_event" = round(a - event),0)

     df$rel3 <- df$relative_event #initialize new column

     for(xx in 1:(length(df$relative_event))) {
       if (df$relative_event[xx] <=0) {
         df$rel3[xx] <- paste0('b',as.character(abs(df$relative_event[xx])))
         } else {
         #add preceding a for "after"
         df$rel3[xx] <- paste0('a',as.character(abs(df$relative_event[xx])))


Then you could convert the values within rel3 into columns in df . 然后,您可以将rel3的值转换为df列。

Although I prefer a solution with all variables in one column as suggested by @Patrick (although I would use something like %>% mutate(new_col = case_when(etc...)) , here a way with for-loop 尽管我更喜欢@Patrick建议的将所有变量都放在一列中的解决方案(尽管我会使用类似%>% mutate(new_col = case_when(etc...))的方法, %>% mutate(new_col = case_when(etc...))是一种for循环的方法

# I changed your data a tiny bit
df <- tibble("a" = sample(1990:2000, size = 10),  # better to use 'sample' then 'runif' !
             "event" = 1995) %>% mutate("relative_event" = a - event)

Now the actual work 现在的实际工作

for (i in min(df$relative_event):max(df$relative_event)) {

# the indexing value is your difference in years. So you have to run the index from the lowest difference to the highest. 

if( i < 0 ) {
  df[[paste0('event_b', abs(i))]] <- ifelse(i == df$relative_event, 1, 0)
  if( i >= 0 ) {
    df[[paste0('event_f', abs(i))]] <- ifelse(i == df$relative_event, 1, 0)

# A tibble: 10 x 14
       a event relative_event event_b5 event_b4 event_b3 event_b2 event_b1
   <int> <dbl>          <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1  1990  1995             -5        1        0        0        0        0
 2  1992  1995             -3        0        0        1        0        0
 3  1991  1995             -4        0        1        0        0        0
 4  2000  1995              5        0        0        0        0        0
 5  1998  1995              3        0        0        0        0        0
 6  1993  1995             -2        0        0        0        1        0
 7  1996  1995              1        0        0        0        0        0
 8  1997  1995              2        0        0        0        0        0
 9  1994  1995             -1        0        0        0        0        1
10  1999  1995              4        0        0        0        0        0
# ... with 6 more variables: event_f0 <dbl>, event_f1 <dbl>, event_f2 <dbl>,
#   event_f3 <dbl>, event_f4 <dbl>, event_f5 <dbl>

If you don't want to run through every possible difference in years - (this will create 'empty' columns) - you could simply create a vector with unique(df$relative_event) and run i through this vector 如果您不想经历几年中的所有可能差异-(这将创建“空”列)-您可以简单地创建一个具有unique(df$relative_event)的向量,并通过该向量运行i

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