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[英]Thread 1: Fatal error: UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize overlapping range

I am trying to use 我正在尝试使用


as it is required for a parameter for a method i need to use. 因为它是我需要使用的方法的参数所必需的。 Yet I have no idea what this is or how to use it. 但是我不知道这是什么或如何使用。

I created this value by doing this : 我通过执行以下操作创建了此值:

 var bytes2: [Float] = [39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0]
    let uint8Pointer2 = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.allocate(capacity: 8)
    uint8Pointer2.initialize(from: &bytes2, count: 8)

    var bytes: [Float] = [391, 771, 1111, 1111, 1012, 331, 319, 10]
    var uint8Pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>?.init(uint8Pointer2)
    uint8Pointer?.initialize(from: &bytes, count: 8)

    let uint8Pointer1 = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>?>!.init(&uint8Pointer)
    uint8Pointer1?.initialize(from: &uint8Pointer, count: 8)

But I get the error : 但是我得到了错误:

Thread 1: Fatal error: UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize overlapping range

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You are creating bad behaviour.. 您正在制造不良行为。

var bytes2: [Float] = [39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0]
let uint8Pointer2 = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.allocate(capacity: 8)
uint8Pointer2.initialize(from: &bytes2, count: 8)

Creates a pointer to some memory and initializes that memory to the values stored in bytes2 .. 创建一个指向某些内存的指针,并将该内存初始化为存储在bytes2的值。

So: uint8Pointer2 = [39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0] 因此: uint8Pointer2 = [39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0]

Then you decided to create a pointer that references that pointer's memory: 然后,您决定创建一个引用该指针的内存的指针:

var uint8Pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>?.init(uint8Pointer2)

So if you printed uint8Pointer , it would have the EXACT same values as uint8Pointer2 .. If you decided to change any of its values as well, it'd also change the values of uint8Pointer2 .. 因此,如果您打印uint8Pointer ,它将具有与uint8Pointer2完全相同的值。如果您决定也更改其任何值,它也会更改uint8Pointer2的值。

So when you do: 因此,当您这样做时:

var bytes: [Float] = [391, 771, 1111, 1111, 1012, 331, 319, 10]
uint8Pointer?.initialize(from: &bytes, count: 8)

It overwrote the values of uint8Pointer2 with [391, 771, 1111, 1111, 1012, 331, 319, 10] .. 它用[391, 771, 1111, 1111, 1012, 331, 319, 10] uint8Pointer2覆盖了uint8Pointer2的值。

So far, uint8Pointer is just a shallow copy of uint8Pointer2 .. Changing one affects the other.. 到目前为止, uint8Pointer是只是一个浅拷贝uint8Pointer2 ..更改一个影响另一个..

Now you decided to do: 现在,您决定执行以下操作:

let uint8Pointer1 = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>?>!.init(&uint8Pointer)
uint8Pointer1?.initialize(from: &uint8Pointer, count: 8)

Here you created a pointer ( uint8Pointer1 ) to uint8Pointer and you said uint8Pointer1 initialize with uint8Pointer .. but you're initializing a pointer with a pointer to itself and a count of 8.. 在这里,您创建了一个指针( uint8Pointer1 )到uint8Pointer和你说uint8Pointer1初始化uint8Pointer ..但是你初始化的指针本身和8计数指针..

First of all, don't bother calling initialize on a pointer to pointer with a value of itself.. It's already pointing to the correct values.. 首先,不要打扰在指向具有自身值的指针的指针上调用initialize。它已经指向了正确的值。

What's nice is that: 很好的是:

uint8Pointer1?.initialize(from: &uint8Pointer, count: 1)
//Same as:  memcpy(uint8Pointer1, &uint8Pointer, sizeof(uint8Pointer)`
//However, they both point to the same memory address..

will crash, but: 将崩溃,但是:

uint8Pointer1?.initialize(from: &uint8Pointer)
//Same as: `uint8Pointer1 = uint8Pointer`.. Note: Just a re-assignment.

won't.. because it doesn't do a memcpy for the latter.. whereas the former does. 不会..因为它不会对后者memcpy ,而前者却不会。

Hopefully I explained it correctly.. 希望我能正确解释。

PS Name your variables properly! PS正确命名您的变量!

Translation for the C++ people: C ++人士的翻译:

//Initial pointer to array..
float bytes2[] = {39, 77, 111, 111, 102, 33, 39, 0};
float* uint8Pointer2 = &bytes[2];
memcpy(uint8Pointer2, &bytes2[0], bytes2.size() * sizeof(float));

//Shallow/Shadowing Pointer...
float* uint8Pointer = uint8Pointer2;
float bytes[] = {391, 771, 1111, 1111, 1012, 331, 319, 10};
memcpy(uint8Pointer, &bytes[0], bytes.size() * sizeof(float));

//Pointer to pointer..
float** uint8Pointer1 = &uint8Pointer;

//Bad.. uint8Pointer1 and &uint8Pointer is the same damn thing (same memory address)..
//See the line above (float** uint8Pointer1 = &uint8Pointer)..
memcpy(uint8Pointer1, &uint8Pointer, 8 * sizeof(uint8Pointer));
//The memcpy is unnecessary because it already pointers to the same location.. plus it's also wrong lol.

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