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使用漂亮汤的Python Web Scraping HTML表

[英]Python Web Scraping Html Table using beautiful soup

This is my HTML Table. 这是我的HTML表格。

<table class="table_c" id="myd">
    <tr class="grp">
        <th class="col>MyGrp1</th>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item0.1 Header</th>
        <td class="col data" data-th="MyGrp1">Item0.1 Value</td>
    <tr class="grp">
        <th class="col label" colspan="2" scope="row">MyGrp</th>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.1 Header</th>
        <td class="col data" >Item1.1 Value</td>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.2 Header</th>
        <td class="col data">Item1.2 Value</td>
    <tr class="item">
    <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.3 Header</th>
    <td class="col data"">Item1.2 Value</td>

I want the table to parsed as below 我希望表解析如下

MyGrp1<new line>
<tab char>Item0.1 Header<tab char>Item0.1 Value<new line>
MyGrp2<new line>
<tab char>Item1.1 Header<tab char>Item1.1 Value<new line>
<tab char>Item1.2 Header<tab char>Item1.2 Value<new line>
<tab char>Item1.3 Header<tab char>Item1.3 Value<new line>

I can get all the nodes of 'tr' or 'th'. 我可以获得“ tr”或“ th”的所有节点。 But I don't know how to iterate the table node by node. 但是我不知道如何逐节点迭代表。 How can I scrape the Html table and get my above result? 如何刮取HTML表格并获得上述结果?

i used pandas for this 我用熊猫做这个

import pandas as pd
import html5lib

string="""<table class="table_c" id="myd">
    <tr class="grp">
        <th class="col">MyGrp1</th>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item0.1 Header</th>
        <td class="col data" data-th="MyGrp1">Item0.1 Value</td>
    <tr class="grp">
        <th class="col label" colspan="2" scope="row">MyGrp</th>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.1 Header</th>
        <td class="col data" >Item1.1 Value</td>
    <tr class="item">
        <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.2 Header</th>
        <td class="col data">Item1.2 Value</td>
    <tr class="item">
    <th class="col label" scope="row">Item1.3 Header</th>
    <td class="col data"">Item1.2 Value</td>
df = pd.read_html(string)

output 输出

[                0              1
0          MyGrp1            NaN
1  Item0.1 Header  Item0.1 Value
2           MyGrp            NaN
3  Item1.1 Header  Item1.1 Value
4  Item1.2 Header  Item1.2 Value
5  Item1.3 Header  Item1.2 Value]

But I don't know how to iterate the table node by node. 但是我不知道如何逐节点迭代表。

BeautifulSoup 's find_all provides you with a sequence of tag objects that you can loop through. BeautifulSoupfind_all为您提供了一系列可以循环浏览的标记对象。

Also please note that your html table has synthax problems: <th class="col>MyGrp1</th> - missing quote <td class="col data"">Item1.2 Value</td> - double quotes 还请注意,您的html表存在合成语法问题: <th class="col>MyGrp1</th> -缺少引号<td class="col data"">Item1.2 Value</td> -双引号

So provided that sample is your html table as a sting and it has valid html here's a sample of what you could do: 因此,假设该sample是作为字符串的html表,并且具有有效的html,以下是您可以执行的操作的示例:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

soup = bs(sample, 'lxml-html')
trs = soup.find_all('tr')
group = None # in case there are items before the first group
for tr in trs:
    if 'grp' in tr.get('class'):
    elif 'item' in tr.get('class'):
        label = tr.th.text
        value = tr.td.text
        print('{} {}'.format(label, value))

I did the following to get the answer. 我做了以下工作以获得答案。 I give my solution here. 我在这里给出解决方案。 Please correct me If I am wrong. 如果我错了,请纠正我。

result = ""
for tr in table_t.findAll('tr'):
    if 'grp' in tr.get("class"):
        for th in tr.findAll('th'):
            result += "\n" + th.text.strip()
    elif 'item' in tr.get("class"):
        children_th = tr.find("th")
        children_td = tr.find("td")
        result += "\n\t" + children_th.text.strip() + "\t" + children_td.text.strip()

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