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如何将不同工作表中的 Excel 数据导出到 SQL-SERVER 数据库?

[英]How to export Excel data from different sheets to SQL-SERVER Database?

I am new in Excel VBA and SQL.我是 Excel VBA 和 SQL 的新手。 I have managed to create a macro button and push Excel cell data to SQL server tables.我设法创建了一个宏按钮并将 Excel 单元格数据推送到 SQL 服务器表。 However, I am a bit puzzled:不过,我有点不解:

How can I take Excel cell data from different sheets and then push them to different tables in SQL Server database?如何从不同的工作表中获取 Excel 单元格数据,然后将它们推送到 SQL Server 数据库中的不同表中? (Currently, I have 3 sheets - Customers, Test, Information - in one Excel file.) (目前,我在一个 Excel 文件中有 3 张纸 - 客户、测试、信息。)

Current working code:当前工作代码:

Sub Button1_Click()
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim iRowNo As Integer
Dim sCustomerId, sFirstName, sLastName As String

With Sheets("Customers")
    'Open a connection to SQL Server
    conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=TESTpc\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ExcelSQLServerDemo;Trusted_connection=yes"
   'Skip the header row
    iRowNo = 2
    'Loop until empty cell in CustomerId
    Do Until .Cells(iRowNo, 1) = ""
        sCustomerId = .Cells(iRowNo, 1)
        sFirstName = .Cells(iRowNo, 2)
        sLastName = .Cells(iRowNo, 3)
        'Generate and execute sql statement to import the excel rows to SQL Server table
        conn.Execute "INSERT into dbo.Customers (CustomerId, FirstName, LastName) values ('" & sCustomerId & "', '" & sFirstName & "', '" & sLastName & "')"

        iRowNo = iRowNo + 1
    MsgBox "Customers Exported To Database"
    Set conn = Nothing
    End With
End Sub

Do I need to store the data in arrays and then push them to the database?我是否需要将数据存储在数组中,然后将它们推送到数据库?

You shouldn't use insert queries for every row you want to export.您不应该对要导出的每一行都使用插入查询。 Instead, if you want to do it manually, open a recordset:相反,如果您想手动执行此操作,请打开一个记录集:

Sub Button1_Click()

Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim iRowNo As Integer
Dim sCustomerId, sFirstName, sLastName As String

With Sheets("Customers")

    'Open a connection to SQL Server
    conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=TESTpc\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ExcelSQLServerDemo;Trusted_connection=yes"
    conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'Use a client-side cursor
    rs.Open "SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic 'Open the table into a recordset

   'Skip the header row
    iRowNo = 2

    'Loop until empty cell in CustomerId
    Do Until .Cells(iRowNo, 1) = ""
        rs.AddNew 'Add a new row
        rs!CustomerId = .Cells(iRowNo, 1) 'Set row values
        rs!FirstName = .Cells(iRowNo, 2)
        rs!LastName = .Cells(iRowNo, 3)
        rs.Update 'Commit changes to database, you can try running this once, or once every X rows
        iRowNo = iRowNo + 1

    MsgBox "Customers Exported To Database"

    Set conn = Nothing

    End With
End Sub

This has several advantages, including but not limited to increased performance, the ability to insert quoted values and increased stability.这有几个优点,包括但不限于提高性能、插入引用值的能力和提高稳定性。

Use Sql Server Import and Export Data 64 Bit or 32 Bit使用Sql Server 导入和导出数据 64 位或 32 位

STEP 1 :第1步 : 截图1

STEP 2:第2步: 截图2

STEP 3:第 3 步: 截图3

STEP 4:第四步: 截图4

Step 5 :第 5 步: 截图5

Follow the next steps按照以下步骤操作

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