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[英]VIM language syntax

I am interested in understanding this from the point of view of the VIM grammar: 我有兴趣从VIM语法的角度理解这一点:

The general syntax for the operations is (as per vimtutor): 操作的一般语法是(根据vimtutor):

operator [number] motion

However, for some operators like f , the syntax is: 但是,对于某些运算符,如f ,语法为:

[number] f motion

I find this confusing and mess it up almost every time. 我觉得这很混乱,几乎每次都会搞砸。 Could someone please point out the logic (from the VIM Language perspective)? 有人可以指出逻辑(从VIM语言的角度来看)吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

In my eyes f is not an operator but a motion : fx moves the cursor to the next appearance of x . 在我看来, f不是运算符,而是动作fx 光标移动到x的下一个外观。

See this example for clarification: 请参见以下示例以进行澄清:

  • dfx "delete find x" deletes everything up to (including) the next x dfx “删除查找x”删除直到(包括)下一个x的所有内容
  • d5fx deletes to 5th x (including) d5fx删除到第5 x(包括)

Both examples follow the grammar operator [number] motion : 这两个示例都遵循语法operator [number] motion

  • d operator d运算符
  • 5 number 5
  • fx motion fx运动

Looking at the f -command this way may clear up your confusion. 以这种方式查看f命令可能会消除您的困惑。

Motions are generally used to move the cursor around. 通常使用运动来移动光标。 They can be prepended by an operator (another example: j moves to line below, dj applies delete-operator to line below, 5dj does it 5 times). 它们可以由运算符添加(另一个示例: j 移至下面的行, dj 将delete-operator应用于下面的行, 5dj 5次)。

f is not an operator so there's no reason to assume it should work like an operator. f不是运算符,因此没有理由假设它应该像运算符一样工作。

f is a motion… and it pretty much works like a motion, as expected. f是一个运动……而且,正如预期的那样,它几乎像一个运动一样工作。

See :help operator for the complete list of available operators and take a look at the section to which :help f belongs. 有关可用运算符的完整列表,请参见:help operator符,并查看:help f所属的部分。

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