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[英]Javascript Collision (Not Collision Detection)

I'm trying to make a platforming game, and I've been working on the collision for the past 2 weeks. 我正在尝试制作平台游戏,并且在过去的两个星期中我一直在努力进行碰撞。 The collision detection is working, but the collision itself (as in, keeping the player out of the tile) is not, no matter what I try. 碰撞检测可以正常工作,但是无论我如何尝试,碰撞本身(例如,将玩家挡在瓷砖外面)都不起作用。 I've tried looking up how to do this, but all I'm finding is how to do the detection part, which I already have done. 我尝试查找如何执行此操作,但是我发现的只是如何执行检测部分,而这已经完成了。 What do I do after I detect collision? 检测到碰撞后该怎么办? It was written from scratch, and the player is rectangular, and so are the tiles. 它是从头开始编写的,播放器是矩形的,瓷砖也是如此。 Here's the basic code: 这是基本代码:

var Player = function(hue, x, y, xSize, ySize, health) {
    this.hue = hue;
    this.position = new PVector(x, y);
    this.originalPosition = new PVector(x, y);
    //this.previousPosition = new PVector(x, y);
    //this.ppp = new PVector(x, y);
    //this.virtualPosition = new PVector(x, y);
    //this.predictedPosition = new PVector(x, y);
    this.velocity = new PVector(0, 0);
    //this.predictedVelocity = new PVector(0, 0);
    this.acceleration = new PVector(0, 0);
/*Player.prototype.testCollision = function(tile) {
    if (this.predictedPosition.y < tile.position.y + tile.size.y && this.predictedPosition.y + this.size.y > tile.size.y && this.predictedPosition.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x && this.predictedPosition.x + tile.size.x > tile.position.x) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
Player.prototype.ifColliding = function(tile) {
     if (this.position.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x && this.position.x + tile.size.x > tile.position.x) {
        /*if (this.position.x + this.size.x > tile.position.x) {
            this.position.set(tile.position.x - this.size.x, this.position.y);
        } else if (this.position.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x) {
            this.position.set(tile.position.x + tile.size.x, this.position.y);
        this.velocity.set(0, this.velocity.y);
        //this.acceleration.set(0, this.acceleration.y);
        /*if (this.ppp.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x && this.ppp.x + tile.size.x > tile.position.x) {
           if (this.ppp.x + this.size.x > tile.position.x) {
                this.position.set(tile.position.x - this.size.x, this.position.y);
            } else if (this.ppp.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x) {
                this.position.set(tile.position.x + tile.size.x, this.position.y);
        } else if (this.previousPosition.x < tile.position.x + tile.size.x && this.previousPosition.x + tile.size.x > tile.position.x) {
            this.position.set(this.ppp.x, this.position.y);
        } else {
            this.position.set(this.previousPosition.x, this.position.y);
    if (this.position.y < tile.position.y + tile.size.y && this.position.y + this.size.y > tile.size.y) {
        this.velocity.set(this.velocity.x, 0);
        this.acceleration.set(this.acceleration.x, 0);
        this.yColliding = true;
        /*if (this.position.y + this.size.y > tile.position.y) {
            this.position.set(this.position.x, tile.position.y - this.size.y);
            rect(0, 20, 0, 0);
        } else if (this.position.y < tile.position.y + tile.size.y) {
            this.position.set(this.position.x, tile.position.y + tile.size.y);
            rect(20, 20, 0, 0);
Player.prototype.update = function(tiles) {
    //this.ppp.set(this.previousPosition.x, this.previousPosition.y);
    //this.previousPosition.set(this.position.x, this.position.y);
    /*this.predictedVelocity.set(this.velocity.x, this.velocity.y);
    this.virtualPosition.set(this.position.x, this.position.y);
    this.predictedPosition.set(this.virtualPosition.x, this.virtualPosition.y);
    var collDcted = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
        if (this.testCollision(tiles[i], true) === false) {
             collDcted = false;
    //if (collDcted) {

The commented out code is failed attempts. 注释掉的代码是失败的尝试。 The non-commented code is the closest I could get it to working. 未注释的代码是我能使其最接近工作的代码。

This is a sample collision I made: 这是我进行的示例碰撞:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="Health">Health</p> <canvas id="gameCanvas" width="600" height="480" style = "border:1px solid gray"></canvas> <script> // Adding keyboard evt listener document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPressed); document.addEventListener("keyup", keyReleased); //defining canvas var canvas; var canvasContext; //defining Player variables var PLAYER_X = 100; var PLAYER_Y = 100; var PLAYER_WIDTH = 20; var PLAYER_HEIGHT = 20; var PLAYER_HEALTH = 100; //defining keypress codes var KEY_LEFT = 37; var KEY_RIGHT = 39; var KEY_UP = 38; var KEY_DOWN = 40; //variables used to test movement var keyHeld_Up = false; var keyHeld_Down = false; var keyHeld_Left = false; var keyHeld_Right = false; //Keypress? function keyPressed(evt) { if(evt.keyCode == KEY_UP) { keyHeld_Up = true; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_DOWN) { keyHeld_Down = true; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_LEFT) { keyHeld_Left = true; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_RIGHT) { keyHeld_Right = true; } //prevents page from scrolling when arrow keys are pressed evt.preventDefault(); } //Key Released? function keyReleased(evt) { if(evt.keyCode == KEY_UP) { keyHeld_Up = false; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_DOWN) { keyHeld_Down = false; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_LEFT) { keyHeld_Left = false; } if(evt.keyCode == KEY_RIGHT) { keyHeld_Right = false; } } //Initialize Canvas and Game Loop window.onload = function() { console.log("Is this thing on?"); canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas'); canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d'); var framesPerSecond = 30; setInterval(function() { drawObjects(); movePlayer(); damageTest(); }, 1000/framesPerSecond); } // Drawing function function colorRect(x,y, width,height, color, health) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.color = color; this.health = health; this.update = function() { this.draw(); } this.draw = function() { canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); canvasContext.fillStyle = this.color; canvasContext.fill(); canvasContext.closePath(); } }; // Creating Objects var Screen = new colorRect( 0, 0, 600, 480, 'black', 0); var Player = new colorRect( PLAYER_X, PLAYER_Y, PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT, 'red', PLAYER_HEALTH); var Box = new colorRect( 200, 200, 30, 30, 'green', 0); var Spike = new colorRect( 300, 300, 25, 25, 'white', 0); // Drawing Objects function drawObjects() { Screen.update(); Spike.update(); Player.update(); Box.update(); } //Collision Test function collides( a, b ) { return ax < bx + b.width && ax + a.width > bx && ay < by + b.height && ay + a.height > by; } //Movement based on keypress events function movePlayer() { if(collides( Player, Box ) === false) { if(keyHeld_Up) { Player.y -= 2; } if(keyHeld_Down) { Player.y += 2; } if(keyHeld_Left) { Player.x -= 2; } if(keyHeld_Right) { Player.x += 2; } } } //Testing Collision for damage function damageTest() { if(collides( Player, Spike ) === true) { Player.health -= 1; } //Displaying Health in <body> document.getElementById("Health").innerHTML = "Health: " + Player.health; } </script> </body> </html> 

The code I made stops the player in its tracks completely when hitting the box, but you could create individual collision circumstances for when objects collide on each side of another object, and use those to detect collision. 我制作的代码在击中盒子时会完全停止播放器的轨迹,但是当对象在另一个对象的两侧碰撞时,您可以创建单独的碰撞环境,并使用它们来检测碰撞。

I hope this helped! 希望对您有所帮助! If you have any questions regarding this code, just ask! 如果您对此代码有任何疑问,请问! (To run code snippet you might want to go full screen and click inside canvas) (要运行代码段,您可能需要全屏显示并在画布内单击)

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