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[英]Angular w/Jest: `verify()` vs.`expectOne()`?

I have a failing test that I'm not sure how to fix. 我的测试失败,不确定如何解决。 The error messages I'm getting from Jest appear to be contradictory, and the problem relates to the behavior of two Angular HttpTestingController methods: verify() and expectOne() . 我从Jest获得的错误消息似乎是矛盾的,并且该问题与两个Angular HttpTestingController方法的行为有关: verify()expectOne()

The test in question, in the context of its file: 有问题的测试,在其文件的上下文中:

import {TestBed, getTestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController} from '@angular/common/http/testing';
import {PrintProjectsService} from './print-projects.service';
import {AppConfig} from '../../app.config';

describe('PrintProjectsService', () => {
  let injector: TestBed;
  let service: PrintProjectsService;
  let appConfig: AppConfig;
  let httpMock: HttpTestingController;

  beforeEach(() => {
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
      providers: [PrintProjectsService, AppConfig]
    injector = getTestBed();
    service = injector.get(PrintProjectsService);
    httpMock = injector.get(HttpTestingController);
    appConfig = injector.get(AppConfig);

  afterEach(() => {

  //This test passes
  it('should make a GET request to retrieve a printable factory when provided a printable factory id', () => {
    const id = '12345';
    const req = httpMock.expectOne(`${appConfig.API_URL}/api/printed-book/v1/printable-factories/${id}/`);

  // This is the one that fails
  it('should make a GET request to retrieve cover image data from the cover service', () => {
    const imageType = 'full';
    service.getCoverImage(12345, '0850X1100FCSTDCO080CW444GXX', imageType).subscribe();
    //httpMock.verify(); //this finds a GET at undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full
    const req = httpMock.expectOne(`${appConfig.API_URL}/cover/api/cover-images/${imageType}`);

Jest returns this error message: 笑话返回此错误信息:

● PrintProjectsService › should make a GET request to retrieve cover image data from the cover service

Expected one matching request for criteria "Match URL: undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full", found none.

  44 |     service.getCoverImage(12345, '0850X1100FCSTDCO080CW444GXX', imageType).subscribe();
> 45 |     const req = httpMock.expectOne(`${appConfig.API_URL}/cover/api/cover-images/${imageType}`);
  46 |     expect(req.request.responseType).toBe('blob');

  at HttpClientTestingBackend.Object.<anonymous>.HttpClientTestingBackend.expectOne (node_modules/@angular/common/bundles/common-http-testing.umd.js:435:19)
  at src/app/services/print-projects/print-projects.service.spec.ts:45:26
  at Object.testBody.length (node_modules/jest-zone-patch/index.js:50:27)

● PrintProjectsService › should make a GET request to retrieve cover image data from the cover service

Expected no open requests, found 1: GET undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full

  23 |   afterEach(() => {
> 24 |     httpMock.verify();
  25 |   });

The fact that the URL variables render to undefined in the error messages is irrelevant - that's the case within the passing tests as well. URL变量在错误消息中呈现为undefined的事实是不相关的-通过测试中也是如此。

What's confusing me is that when expectOne() is reached within the test, no request can be found for undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full , but after the test, verify() finds a GET request at the identical URL: undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full . 令我感到困惑的是,当在测试中达到expectOne()时,找不到针对undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full请求,但是在测试之后, verify()相同的 URL上找到了GET请求: undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full verify() also finds a GET request at undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full when placed within the test on the line before expectOne() . 当放置在expectOne()之前的行中时, verify()还会在undefined/cover/api/cover-images/full处找到GET请求。

Why doesn't expectOne() catch the request but verify() does? 为什么expectOne()不能捕获请求,但verify()可以捕获呢? Is the error message not telling me everything I need? 错误消息没有告诉我我需要的一切吗? I seem to be getting the same error messages back regardless of whether I run jest or jest --verbose . 无论运行jest还是jest --verbose我似乎都会收到相同的错误消息。

I found a way around the issue with a variant of expectOne() gleaned from here: https://github.com/thymikee/jest-preset-angular/blob/master/example/src/app/service/hero.service.spec.ts#L59 我找到了一种解决方法, expectOne()从此处收集到一个expectOne()变体: https : //github.com/thymikee/jest-preset-angular/blob/master/example/src/app/service/hero.service。规格ts#L59

Here is the new, passing version of the test: 这是通过测试的新版本:

it('should make a GET request to retrieve cover image data from the cover service', () => {
    const imageType = 'full';
    service.getCoverImage(12345, '0850X1100FCSTDCO080CW444GXX', imageType).subscribe();
    const req = httpMock.expectOne((request: HttpRequest<Blob>) => {
      return request.url === `${appConfig.API_URL}/cover/api/cover-images/${imageType}`;
    // the original `expect()` below also passes, but since we already state that the request will return a Blob above, the `expect()` above is a better option
    // expect(req.request.responseType).toBe('blob'); 

It appears as though the url match-only version of expectOne() , as was being used originally, expects a JSON response by default. 看起来好像url的唯一匹配版本expectOne()为原先正在使用,需要一个JSON默认响应。 In any case, the Blob response type of this particular call appears to have been the source of the problem. 无论如何,此特定调用的Blob响应类型似乎是问题的根源。

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