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用于boost :: property_tree的通用枚举转换器

[英]Generic enum translator for boost::property_tree

I'm loading/saving a set of parameters from/to a file using boost::property_tree . 我正在使用boost::property_tree从文件中加载/保存一组参数。 Many of those parameters are enumerations (different types). 这些参数中有许多是枚举(不同类型)。 So I need a way to get enums from a boost::property_tree (ie, converting a string to enum), and viceversa. 所以我需要一种方法来从boost::property_tree获取枚举(即,将字符串转换为枚举),反之亦然。 For example 例如

const Enum_1 position = params.get<Enum_1>("Test.position");

I've checked out this answer , which involves creating a translator for each enumeration. 我已经检查了这个答案 ,其中涉及为每个枚举创建一个翻译器。 As I have several dozens of enumerations, it looks like a bit overwhelming. 由于我有几十个枚举,因此看起来有点不知所措。

Is there any more generic way to do it when many enums are involved? 当涉及到许多枚举时,还有其他通用的方法吗?

PS: I'm posting my current solution in an answer since I haven't been able to find something easier/simpler. PS:由于无法找到更容易/更简单的方法,因此我将当前的解决方案发布在答案中。 I'll be glad to hear better options. 我很高兴听到更好的选择。

My current solution consists on a templated translator that relies on a boost::bimap to ease the std::string /enum conversion. 我当前的解决方案包括依赖boost::bimap来简化std::string / enum转换的模板转换器。

// Generic translator for enums
template<typename T>
struct EnumTranslator {
  typedef std::string internal_type;
  typedef T external_type;
  typedef boost::bimap<internal_type, external_type> map_type;

  boost::optional<external_type> get_value(const internal_type& str) {
    // If needed, 'str' can be transformed here so look-up is case insensitive
    const auto it = s_map.left.find(str);
    if (it == s_map.left.end()) return boost::optional<external_type>(boost::none);
    return boost::optional<external_type>(it->get_right());

  boost::optional<internal_type> put_value(const external_type& value) {
    const auto it = s_map.right.find(value);
    if (it == s_map.right.end()) return boost::optional<internal_type>(boost::none);
    return boost::optional<internal_type>(it->get_left());

  static const map_type s_map;

Such dictionaries are then defined for each enum: 然后为每个枚举定义此类字典:

// Dictionaries for string<-->enum conversion
typedef EnumTranslator<Enum_1> Enum_1_Translator;
const Enum_1_Translator::map_type Enum_1_Translator::s_map =
  ("first", Enum_1::first)
  ("second", Enum_1::second)
  ("third", Enum_1::third);

typedef EnumTranslator<Enum_2> Enum_2_Translator;
const Enum_2_Translator::map_type Enum_2_Translator::s_map =
  ("foo", Enum_2::foo)
  ("bar", Enum_2::bar)
  ("foobar", Enum_2::foobar);

Finally, the translators must be registered so they can be used by boost::property_tree . 最后,必须注册翻译器,以便boost::property_tree可以使用它们。

// Register translators
namespace boost {
  namespace property_tree {
    template<typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
    struct translator_between<std::basic_string<Ch, Traits, Alloc>, Enum_1> {
      typedef Enum_1_Translator type;

    template<typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
    struct translator_between<std::basic_string<Ch, Traits, Alloc>, Enum_2> {
      typedef Enum_2_Translator type;

Final example of use ( params is a boost::property_tree::ptree ): 最终使用示例( paramsboost::property_tree::ptree ):

const Enum_1 position = params.get<Enum_1>("Test.position");
const Enum_2 foo_or_bar = params.get<Enum_2>("Test.foo_or_bar");

Maybe someone would prefer to add some macros to reduce the code cluttering, for example: 也许有人希望添加一些宏来减少代码混乱,例如:

  typedef EnumTranslator<E> E##EnumTranslator; \
  const E##EnumTranslator::map_type E##EnumTranslator::s_map = \

  namespace boost { namespace property_tree { \
  template<typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc> \
  struct translator_between<std::basic_string<Ch, Traits, Alloc>, E> { \
    typedef E##EnumTranslator type; \
  }; } }

In this way, new enums can be registered by: 这样,可以通过以下方式注册新的枚举:

  ("first", Enum_1::first)
  ("second", Enum_1::second)
  ("third", Enum_1::third);

  ("foo", Enum_2::foo)
  ("bar", Enum_2::bar)
  ("foobar", Enum_2::foobar);

Note: these macros are not compatible with enums within a namespace or class, due to the double colons ( a_namespace::the_enum ). 注意:由于双冒号( a_namespace::the_enum ),这些宏与命名空间或类中的枚举不兼容。 As a workaround, a typedef can be done to rename the enumeration, or just do not use the macros in these cases ;). 解决方法是,可以使用typedef 重命名枚举,或者在这种情况下不要使用宏;)。

Looking at the header, a good point of customization is: 查看标题,自定义的一个好地方是:

namespace boost { namespace property_tree

  template <typename Ch, typename Traits, typename E, typename Enabler = void>
  struct customize_stream
    static void insert(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Traits>& s, const E& e) {
        s << e;
    static void extract(std::basic_istream<Ch, Traits>& s, E& e) {
        s >> e;
        if(!s.eof()) {
            s >> std::ws;

it has an Enabler field. 它具有一个启动器字段。

namespace boost { namespace property_tree {
  template <typename Ch, typename Traits, typename E>
  struct customize_stream<Ch, Traits, E,
    std::enable_if_t< /* some test */ >
    static void insert(std::basic_ostream<Ch, Traits>& s, const E& e) {
      // your code
    static void extract(std::basic_istream<Ch, Traits>& s, E& e) {
      // your code

where you can put whatever code in // your code and whatever test in /* some test */ . 在这里,您可以将任何代码放入// your code并将任何测试放入/* some test */

The remaining part is to (a) associate bob::a with "a" , and (b) connect this to the above. 其余部分是(a)将bob::a"a"关联,并且(b)将此连接到上面。

I like doing these associations in the namespace of bob , then finding them via ADL. 我喜欢在bob的命名空间中进行这些关联,然后通过ADL查找它们。

Create a template<class T> struct tag_t {} . 创建一个template<class T> struct tag_t {} If you pass a tag_t<foo> to a function, ADL will find functions in both the namespace of tag_t and in the namespace of foo . 如果将tag_t<foo>传递给函数,则ADL将在tag_t的命名空间和foo的命名空间中找到函数。

Create a function that gets the mapping from enum value to string (and back). 创建一个函数,该函数获取从枚举值到字符串(以及向后)的映射。 Suppose your mapping is: 假设您的映射是:

std::vector< std::pair< E, std::string > >

and you just do a linear search. 然后您就可以进行线性搜索。 Then: 然后:

namespace string_mapping {
  template<class Enum>
  using mapping = std::vector<std::pair< Enum, std::string > >;
namespace some_ns {
  enum bob { a, b, c };
  string_mapping::mapping<bob> const& get_string_mapping( tag_t<bob> ) {
    static string_mapping::mapping<bob> retval = {
      {bob::a, "a"},
      {bob::b, "b"},
      {bob::c, "c"},
    return retval;

we can find this mapping wherever we have a type T=bob by doing get_string_mapping( tag_t<T>{} ) . 我们可以通过执行get_string_mapping( tag_t<T>{} )在类型为T=bob的任何地方找到此映射。

Use something like can_apply to detect if get_string_mapping( tag_t<T>{} ) can be found, use that to enable your custom customize_stream to use get_string_mapping to load/save the data to/from streams. 使用类似can_apply检测是否get_string_mapping( tag_t<T>{} )可以发现,用它来使您的自定义customize_stream使用get_string_mapping加载/保存数据到/从流。

Now all we have to do is reduce the pain of writing get_string_mapping . 现在,我们要做的就是减轻编写get_string_mapping的痛苦。

  string_mapping::mapping<ENUM> const& get_string_mapping( tag_t<ENUM> ) { \
    static string_mapping::mapping<ENUM> retval =

#define END_ENUM_TO_STRING ; return retval; }

use: 采用:

      {bob::a, "a"},
      {bob::b, "b"},
      {bob::c, "c"},

within bob 's namespace. bob的命名空间中。

If you want something fancier (ooo, sorted lists, or unordered maps), that can easily be done within get_string_mapping or even by a get_efficient_string_mapping that calls get_string_mapping and does a one-off reprocessing of the flat data. 如果你想要的东西票友(000,排序的列表或无序地图),可以很容易地内完成get_string_mapping甚至由get_efficient_string_mapping调用get_string_mapping和不平坦的数据的一次性再加工。

The big advantage of this is that we don't have to do this in the global namespace; 这样做的最大好处是,我们不必在全局名称空间中执行此操作。 we can put it naturally right under an enum or in the enum's namespace. 我们可以自然地将其放在枚举下或枚举的命名空间中。

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