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[英]Mysql 'greater than(>)' query always returns 0

I am working with a query where I want to display number of upcoming dates. 我正在查询一个要显示即将到来的日期数的查询。 The following query returns 0 even though there are dates greater than current date. 即使日期大于当前日期,以下查询也会返回0。 Please help me to solve this problem. 请帮我解决这个问题。

SELECT  (case when b.booked_date > cast(now() as date) then sum(1) else sum(0) end) as upcoming_booked_facilities                           
        from    svk_apt_book_facilities b   
        where   b.customer_id = 1
                and b.association_id = 1        
                and b.is_active = 1
        group   by b.facility_id

You need to sum a CASE expression to do conditional aggregation: 您需要对CASE表达式求和以进行条件聚合:

    SUM(CASE WHEN booked_date > CURDATE() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS upcoming_booked_facilities
FROM svk_apt_book_facilities  
    customer_id = 1    AND
    association_id = 1 AND
    is_active = 1

You were trying to use the sum as the predicate of the CASE expression, which is probably not what you want. 您试图将和用作CASE表达式的谓词,这可能不是您想要的。 Note that I am also selecting the facility_id , since you are grouping by that column. 请注意,由于您要按该列分组,因此我也选择了facility_id If you instead want a conditional sum over the entire table, then don't select or group by facility. 如果您想要整个表的条件总和,则不要选择或按功能分组。

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