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[英]ERROR TypeError: _co.deleteConsulta is not a function

i was following a tutorial how to make a crud using firestore, and thus far i got everything working right until i got the part that i had to delete the data from firestore, everytime i click it to delete an user from my firestore i get the error saying that ._co.deleteConsulta is not a function, even though it was declared inside my detailpage.ts, and it shows no error, i even tried to run ionic serve --prod to see if i was missing anything, no errors whatsoever. 我正在按照教程学习如何使用Firestore进行分类,到目前为止,我一切正常,直到我得到必须从Firestore删除数据的部分,每次我单击以从Firestore中删除用户时,我都会错误说._co.deleteConsulta不是一个函数,即使它是在我的detailpage.ts中声明的,也没有显示错误,我什至试图运行ionic serve --prod来查看我是否丢失了任何东西,没有任何错误。

For the second part whenever i click delete, nothing happens no errors are shown at all. 对于第二部分,每当我单击“删除”时,都不会发生任何错误,不会显示任何错误。

here's my detail.ts 这是我的细节

import { AlertController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { FirestoreService } from './../../services/data/firestore.service';
import { Consulta } from './../../model/consulta.interface';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-detail',
  templateUrl: './detail.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./detail.page.scss'],
export class DetailPage implements OnInit {
  public consulta: Observable<Consulta>;
  public consultaId;
  constructor(private firestoreService: FirestoreService,
    private route: ActivatedRoute, private alertController: AlertController, private router: Router) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    const consultaId: string = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
    this.consulta = this.firestoreService.getConsultaDetail(consultaId).valueChanges();
  async deletarConsulta() {
    const alert = await this.alertController.create({
      message: 'Tem certeza que gostaria de desmarcar sua consulta?',
      buttons: [
          text: 'Cancel',
          role: 'cancel',
          handler: blah => {
            console.log('Confirm desmarcação: blah');
          text: 'Okay',
          handler: () => {
            this.firestoreService.deleteConsulta(this.consultaId).then(() => {

    await alert.present();


detail.html detail.html

      <ion-buttons slot="start">
      <ion-title>{{ (consulta | async)?.unidade }}</ion-title>

  <ion-content padding>
      <h3> Unidade </h3>
        Médico{{ (consulta | async)?.medNome }}
      <p> Especialidade{{ (consulta | async)?.especialidade }}</p>
      <p> Endereço{{ (consulta | async)?.endereco }}</p>
      <p> Data da Consulta {{ (consulta | async)?.data }}</p>
      <p> Hora da Consulta {{ (consulta | async)?.hora }}</p>
      <ion-button expand="block" (click)="deletarConsulta()">
          Desmarcar Consulta

The problem is that you don't wrote the function deleteConsulta() or it is missing on the firestoreService file code. 问题是您没有编写函数deleteConsulta()或在firestoreService文件代码中缺少该函数。 And also, you could maybe try to change the access from 'private' to 'public' in the Constructor declarations... 而且,您也许可以尝试在构造函数声明中将访问权限从“私有”更改为“公共” ...

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