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[英]How to wait for multiple asynchronous calls from for loop?

Code without any handling: 代码没有任何处理:

  for (i=0; i<dbImgCount; i++){
        (function(i) {
             imgDownload(FolderPath[i].FolderPath, function (next){
                var url = FolderPath[i].FolderPath;
                const img2 = cv.imread(imgDownload.Filename);
                    detector: new cv.ORBDetector(),
                    matchFunc: cv.matchBruteForceHamming,


In the above code, imgDownload is an async function which will download image, match will match features of downloaded image with another image. 在上面的代码中, imgDownload是一个异步函数 ,它将下载图像, match将匹配下载图像的功能与另一个图像。 Need to execute a function after this for-loop . 需要在此for-loop后执行一个函数。

How to restructure this code, using Promise or async-await , so that each call to asynchronous function is waited for and only after completing the for-loop , flow continues? 如何使用Promiseasync-await重构此代码,以便async-await每次对异步函数的调用,并且只有在完成for-loop ,流程才会继续?

Edited the code with async-await : 使用async-await编辑代码:

    FolderPath.forEach(FolderPath => {
        (async function () {
            var filename = await imgDownload(FolderPath.FolderPath);
            var url = FolderPath.FolderPath;
            const img2 = cv.imread(filename);
            imgs = await match({url,
                detector: new cv.ORBDetector(),
                matchFunc: cv.matchBruteForceHamming,

    function someFunction(){
       console.log("After forEach");

How to execute someFunction only after forEach ? 如何执行someFunction 后才 forEach

With your last update, although you have used async-await inside for-loop , but that did't stoped your synchronous flow. 在上次更新时,虽然你已经在for-loop使用了async-await ,但是没有停止同步流。

I'm assuming your imgDownload and match functions are returning promise. 我假设您的imgDownloadmatch函数正在返回承诺。

Then new Code will be: 那么新的代码将是:

(async function () {

    // Next loop won't be executing without completing last.
    for (i = 0; i < FolderPath.length; i++) {

        var filename = await imgDownload(FolderPath[i].FolderPath);
        var url = FolderPath[i].FolderPath;

        const img2 = cv.imread(filename);

        imgs = await match({url,
            detector: new cv.ORBDetector(),
            matchFunc: cv.matchBruteForceHamming,

    // Now will wait for for-loop to end
    function someFunction(){
       console.log("After forEach");
// End of async-await

Here's a small sample example: 这是一个小样本示例:

(async function () { 
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
        x = await main();
        console.log(x, i);

// asynchronous main function
function main() {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(()=> { resolve('Done'); }, 5000)

Thanks everyone for the comments. 多谢大家的评价。

   (async function () { 
        for (i = 0; i < FolderPath.length; i++) {
            var filename = await imgDownload(FolderPath[i].FolderPath);
            var url = FolderPath[i].FolderPath;
            const img2 = cv.imread(filename);
            imgs = await match({url,
                detector: new cv.ORBDetector(),
                matchFunc: cv.matchBruteForceHamming,
        console.log("After forEach");

This is working - "After forEach" displays only after for loop. 这是有效的 - 只有在for循环之后才会显示"After forEach" after "After forEach"

When using forEach as mentioned in the answer above. 当使用上面的答案中提到的forEach

(async function () {

   // Next loop won't be executing without completing last.
  FolderPath.forEach(FolderPath => {

    var filename = await imgDownload(FolderPath.FolderPath);
    var url = FolderPath.FolderPath;

    const img2 = cv.imread(filename);

    imgs = await match({url,
        detector: new cv.ORBDetector(),
        matchFunc: cv.matchBruteForceHamming,

// Now will wait for for-loop to end
function someFunction(){
   console.log("After forEach");
// End of async-await

Output is - SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function . 输出为 - SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function

I think await keyword won't be in scope of async function, when it comes under forEach , that should be the reason. 我认为await关键字不在async函数的范围内,当它出现在forEach时,应该是原因。

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