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[英]Update Value in one column, if string in other column contains something in list

  id name             gender
0 13 John Smith       0
1 46 Jim Jeffries     2
2 75 Jennifer Johnson 0
3 37 Sam Adams        0
4 24 John Cleese      0
5 17 Taika Waititi    0

I have a lot of people's names and genders in a df, taken from a film actors' db. 我有很多人的名字和性别,取自电影演员数据库。 Genders were assigned a 1 (female), 2 (male), or 0 (not listed). 为性别分配了1(女性),2(男性)或0(未列出)。 I'd like to comb through and callously assume genders by name. 我想梳理一下,并按名字冷酷地假设性别。 Names would be stored in a list, and filled out manually. 名称将存储在列表中,并手动填写。 Perhaps I spot somebody with a gender-nonspecific name by ID and find out myself if they are male/female, I'd like to inject that as well: 也许我通过ID发现了一个性别不明的人,然后发现自己是男是女,我也想注入这个名字:

m_names = ['John', ...]
f_names = ['Jennifer', ...]
m_ids   = ['37', ...]
f_ids   = ['', ...]

I've got fine control of for loops and np.where, but I can't figure out how to get through this df, row by row. 我已经很好地控制了for循环和np.where,但我不知道如何逐行通过此df。

If what's above were to be used, what I want to return would look like: 如果要使用上面的内容,我想返回的内容将如下所示:

for index, row in df.iterrows():
  if row['gender'] == 0:
    if   row['name'].str.contains(' |'.join(f_names)) or row['id'].str.contains('|'.join(f_ids)):
      return 1
    elif row['name'].str.contains(' |'.join(m_names)) or row['id'].str.contains('|'.join(m_ids)):
      return 2

  id name             gender
0 13 John Smith       2
1 46 Jim Jeffries     2
2 75 Jennifer Johnson 1
3 37 Sam Adams        2
4 24 John Cleese      2
5 17 Taika Waititi    0

Note the space before '|' 注意“ |”之前的空格 in the condition for names, to avoid grabbing any parts of last names. 在使用名称的条件下,避免抓住姓氏的任何部分。

At this point, I'm running into a wall with how I've formatted my if statements. 在这一点上,我对格式化if语句的方式遇到了困惑。 Python doesn't like my formatting, and says my 'return's are 'outside function'. Python不喜欢我的格式,并说我的“返回”是“外部函数”。 If I change these to 如果我将其更改为

row['gender'] = #

I run into issues with unicode and my usage of 'str' and 'contains'. 我遇到了unicode以及“ str”和“ contains”用法的问题。

Seems like you need np.select and no for loops 似乎您需要np.select并且没有for循环

df['gender'] = np.select([df.name.str.contains(" |".join(m_names)),
                          df.name.str.contains(" |".join(f_names))],
                         [2, 1], 

You could use the Pandas function isin 您可以使用熊猫功能isin

https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.Series.isin.html https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.Series.isin.html

df.loc[df.name.isin(m_names), 'gender'] = 2

You can first construct and combine Boolean masks. 您可以首先构造和组合布尔掩码。 For example: 例如:

m_zero = df['gender'].eq(0)

m_name_female = df['name'].str.contains(' |'.join(f_names))
m_name_male = df['name'].str.contains(' |'.join(m_names))

m_id_female = df['id'].str.contains('|'.join(f_ids))
m_id_male = df['id'].str.contains('|'.join(m_ids))

female_mask = m_zero & (m_name_female | m_id_female)
male_mask = m_zero & (m_name_male | m_id_male)

Then apply logic via pd.DataFrame.loc : 然后通过pd.DataFrame.loc应用逻辑:

df.loc[female_mask, 'gender'] = 1
df.loc[male_mask, 'gender'] = 2

Or use nested numpy.where : 或者使用嵌套的numpy.where

df['gender'] = np.where(female_mask, 1, np.where(male_mask, 2, df['gender']))

Or, if you wish to supply a scalar default value, use numpy.select : 或者,如果您希望提供标量默认值,请使用numpy.select

df['gender'] = np.select([female_mask, male_mask], [1, 2], 3)


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