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[英]React native Twitter Signin release build issue

I am using the react-native-twitter-signin plugin for twitter login in iOS, but I am not able to build the release build in iOS as it shows: 我正在使用react-native-twitter-signin插件在iOS中进行Twitter登录,但无法在iOS中构建发布版本 ,如下所示:

Apple Mach o- linker issue: Apple Mach o-linker问题:


The same application is running perfectly in Debug Mode on iOS: 同一应用程序可以在iOS上的“ 调试模式”下完美运行:
I have already linked the libRNTwitterSignin.a under linked binary with libraries 我已经将链接二进制文件下的libRNTwitterSignSignin.a 与库链接了

Does anyone know a solution to this problem? 有谁知道解决这个问题的方法吗?

I faced the same issue, finally did like below. 我遇到了同样的问题,终于做到了。 please add RNTwitterSignIn to Target Dependences of build phases . 请将RNTwitterSignIn添加到构建阶段的 目标依赖项。 It will fix that. 它将解决此问题。

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