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Boost ASIO Async_receive崩溃程序

[英]Boost ASIO Async_receive crashing program

For the most part my program runs fine, but occasionally it will crash. 在大多数情况下,我的程序运行良好,但有时会崩溃。 If I pause the program mid run it will also crash. 如果我在运行中暂停程序,它也会崩溃。 Any insight as to why would be greatly appreciated! 关于为什么的任何见解将不胜感激! I think it could be due to async_read_some being called multiple times before it is actually executed. 我认为这可能是由于async_read_some在实际执行之前被多次调用。

Main.cpp: Main.cpp:


    if (sensor->processNow == 1)
        sensor->processNow = 0;
        sensorReadyForUpdate = 1;

Constructor: 构造函数:

sensorHandler::sensorHandler(std::string host, int port, std::string name) :
sensorAddress_(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host), port),


Update Function: 更新功能:

bool sensorHandler::update()
if (inOperation == false)

    inOperation = true;

    socket_.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(receiveBuffer, receiveBuffer.size()), boost::bind(&sensorHandler::receiveCallback, this, _1, _2));
    return success;

} }

Receive Callback Function: 接收回叫功能:

bool sensorHandler::receiveCallback(const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
    std::cout << "success - in receiveCallBack" << std::endl;
    processNow = 1;
    inOperation = false;

Includes: 包括:

#include "sensorHandler.h"
#include <boost\bind.hpp>
#include <boost\asio\write.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

Header File: 头文件:

class sensorHandler
    sensorHandler(std::string host, int port, std::string name);
    bool connect();
    bool update();
    boost::array<char, 400000> receiveBuffer;  // was 50000

I may be missing the point of the question, but is the question that you want to run an async operation in a loop? 我可能遗漏了问题的要点,但是您是否想在循环中运行异步操作的问题?

The classical way to achieve that is via call chaining, so in the completion handler you enqueue the next operation: 实现此目标的经典方法是通过调用链接,因此在完成处理程序中,您可以加入下一个操作:

bool IFMHandler::receiveCallback(const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)

    /*code to process buffer here - ends with processNow = 1 and inOperation = false*/

    if (!error) {
            receiveBuffer.size()), boost::bind(&IFMHandler::receiveCallback, this, _1, _2));

So, now you can simply call 所以,现在您可以简单地致电


and the chain will run itself. 连锁店将自行运行。

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