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[英]How to assign lambda expression to a variable?

I have a kind of calculator: 我有一种计算器:

sum = value1 + value2;
    multiplication = value1 * value2;
    division = (value1 / value2);
    average = (sum / 2);

    if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("add") == 0)
        result = sum;
    else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("mult") == 0)
        result = multiplication;
    else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("div") == 0)
        result = division;
    else if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase("avg") == 0)
        result = average;

And i have to turn this to lambda expressions: 我必须将其转换为lambda表达式:

result = (request.getValue1(), request.getValue2()) -> {
        if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("add") == 0) return request.getValue1() + request.getValue2();
        else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("mult") == 0) return request.getValue1() * request.getValue2();
        else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("div") == 0) return request.getValue1() / request.getValue2();
        else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("avg") == 0) return (request.getValue1() + request.getValue2())/2;

But it doesnt work. 但它不起作用。 Can you guys help? 你们可以帮忙吗? Thanks 谢谢

For example: 例如:

BiFunction<Number,Number,Number> sum = (value1, value2) -> value1 + value2;

and you can use it like this: 您可以像这样使用它:


more examples here . 这里有更多例子。

Also you can store your set of BiFunction in a Map : 您也可以在Map存储您的BiFunction集:

Map<String,BiFunction<Number, Number, Number>> operations = new HashMap<>();
operations.put("sum", sum);

If you do the same for all operations, you call them as it follows: 如果对所有操作都执行相同的操作,请按以下方式调用它们:

operations.get("sum").apply(value1, value2);

So, the result can be computed as is follows: 因此,可以如下计算结果:

result = (value1, value2, operation) -> operations.get(operation).apply(value1, value2);

You can create a map with a String and DoubleBinaryOperator or an IntBinaryOperator depends on the type you want like so : 您可以使用String和DoubleBinaryOperatorIntBinaryOperator创建地图, IntBinaryOperator取决于您想要的类型,如下所示:

Map<String, DoubleBinaryOperator> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("add", (v1, v2) -> v1 + v2);
map.put("mult", (v1, v2) -> v1 * v2);
map.put("div", (v1, v2) -> v1 / v2);
map.put("avg", (v1, v2) -> (v1 * v2) / 2);

Then you can call that map with the operation you want for example : 然后,您可以使用所需的操作来调用该地图,例如:

// an example
String operation = "add";
Double reslt = map.get(operation).applyAsDouble(3, 5);

from the example it's not very clear, what result should be. 从示例中还不清楚, result应该是什么。 So let me rewrite it including types: 因此,让我重写它,包括类型:

Function<Request, Double> calculator = (request) -> {
    if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("add") == 0) return request.getValue1() + request.getValue2();
    else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("mult") == 0) return request.getValue1() * request.getValue2();
    else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("div") == 0) return request.getValue1() / request.getValue2();
    else if (request.getOperation().compareToIgnoreCase("avg") == 0) return (request.getValue1() + request.getValue2())/2;
    else throw new IllegalArgumentException();

double result = calculator.apply(new Request("add", 2, 4));

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