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如何在 UWP 中添加 mediaplayerelements 控件

[英]How to add mediaplayerelements controls in UWP


MediaPlayerElement already have all the basic controls to Pause/Play , Stop , FastForward etc. you just need to set the AreTransportControlsEnabled = true and you will have all the basic controls on your mediaplayerelement. MediaPlayerElement已经有了所有的基本控制,以暂停/播放停止快进等,你只需要设置AreTransportControlsEnabled = TRUE,你将有你的mediaplayerelement所有的基本控制。

<MediaPlayerElement x:Name="mediaPlayer"
          AreTransportControlsEnabled="True" />

and to enable FastForward like buttons on it you can explicitly enabled them on your MediaTransportControls like this :并在其上启用类似FastForward 的按钮,您可以像这样在MediaTransportControls上显式启用它们:

<MediaPlayerElement x:Name="mediaElement1" Source="ms-appx:///Assets/audio.wma"
        <MediaTransportControls IsZoomButtonVisible="False"
                                IsPlaybackRateButtonVisible="True" IsPlaybackRateEnabled="True"/>

you can notice apart from fastforward button there are many other buttons to enable advanced features as well like playbackrate button and zoombutton.您可以注意到除了快进按钮之外,还有许多其他按钮可以启用高级功能以及播放速率按钮和缩放按钮。

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