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[英]hibernate criteria count over with group by

I have a spring app with the user entity and the users table.我有一个带有user实体和users表的 spring 应用程序。 I would like to get a number of all users grouped by certain fields (not per group but in total ).我想获得按某些字段分组的所有用户的数量(不是每个组,而是总数)。 In sql It would be:在 sql 中它将是:

count(*) OVER () as totalRecords
  from users u
  group by
  order by u.age DESC

But I really can't do that using hibernate criteria.但我真的不能使用休眠标准来做到这一点。 I could do something like:我可以做这样的事情:

public Long getTotalCount() {
        ProjectionList groupBy = projectionList();
        groupBy.add(groupProperty("firstName"), "first_name");
        groupBy.add(groupProperty("last_name"), "last_name");
        groupBy.add(groupProperty("age"), "age");

        return (Long) getSession().createCriteria("User")

but it's not what I want.但这不是我想要的。 It does counting per each group, I would like to count rows that are the result of the group by clause它对每个组进行计数,我想计算group by子句的结果行

I just spend couple hours trying to find out a way and finally got it working.我只是花了几个小时试图找出一种方法,并最终让它发挥作用。


It is impossible to do an optimal query with plain criteria API.使用普通标准 API 不可能进行最佳查询。 Optimal would be either SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( group by query here ) or SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () .最佳SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( group by query here )SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( group by query here )SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () Neither is possible.两者都不可能。 To get an optimal query, use plain SQL if possible.要获得最佳查询,请尽可能使用普通 SQL。 For my case using plain SQL was not possible, because I have constructed a very complex logic that builds criteria and I want to use the same logic for resolving the count of aggregate also (to resolve count of pages for pagination).对于我的情况,使用纯 SQL 是不可能的,因为我构建了一个非常复杂的逻辑来构建标准,并且我想使用相同的逻辑来解决聚合计数(以解决分页的页面计数)。


First we add the following to all Entities that are used as base of criteria:首先,我们将以下内容添加到用作标准基础的所有实体中:

class MyEntity {

private Long aggregateRowCount;

@Formula(value="count(*) over()")
public Long getAggregateRowCount() {
    return aggregateRowCount;

public void setAggregateRowCount(Long aggregateRowCount) {
    this.aggregateRowCount = aggregateRowCount;

Criteria building looks like this:标准构建看起来像这样:

Criteria criteria = // construct query here
ProjectionList projectionList = // construct Projections.groupProperty list here
projectionList.add(Projections.property("aggregateRowCount")); // this is our custom entity field with the @Formula annotation
List<?> res = builder.criteria.list();
if (res.isEmpty()) return 0L;
return (Long) res.get(0);

This generates SQL that looks like this:这将生成如下所示的 SQL:

SELECT groupbyfield1, groupbyfield2, count(*) over()
FROM ...
GROUP BY groupbyfield1, groupbyfield2

Without LIMIT 1 the result would be如果没有 LIMIT 1 结果将是

field1 | field2 | count
a      | b      | 12356
a      | c      | 12356
...    | ...    | 12356

but we add the LIMIT 1 ( criteria.setMaxResults(1); ) because the first row already contains the number of rows and that is all we need.但是我们添加了 LIMIT 1( criteria.setMaxResults(1); ),因为第一行已经包含了行数,这就是我们所需要的。

Finally, our AggegatedCountResultTransformer:最后,我们的 AggregatedCountResultTransformer:

class AggregatedCountResultTransformer implements ResultTransformer {

private static final AggregatedCountResultTransformer instance = new AggregatedCountResultTransformer();

public static ResultTransformer instance() {
    return instance;

public Object transformTuple(Object[] values, String[] fields) {
    if (values.length == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Values is empty");
    return values[values.length-1]; // Last value of selected fields (the count)

public List transformList(List allResults) {
    return allResults; // This is not actually used?

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