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[英]Numbers aren't being recognized and conditional statement isn't doing anything

 var wins = 0; var losses = 0; // This variable will store the target number to match var targetNumber; // This variable will store the numbers added together var counter = 0; // Display counter, wins & losses $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); $("#wins").text("Wins: " + wins); $("#losses").text("Losses: " + losses); // Step 1 // Assign each character image a variable. Add each variable to the empty array var char1 = getRandomNumber(); var char2 = getRandomNumber(); var char3 = getRandomNumber(); var char4 = getRandomNumber(); // Step 2 // Create a function that gives a random number between 1 - 12 and adds it the arrays elements function getRandomNumber() { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1; console.log("Random number between 1 & 12 is: " + randomNumber); return randomNumber; }; // Step 3 // Create click functions and link the random number to each image $("#character1").click(function() { counter += char1; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character2").click(function() { counter += char2; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character3").click(function() { counter += char3; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character4").click(function() { counter += char4; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); if (counter === targetNumber) { alert("YOU WIN"); } // Step 4 // Create a random target number between 19 - 120 var createTarget = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 19; targetNumber = +createTarget; console.log(targetNumber); // Display the random number $("#total-score").text("Target number is: " + targetNumber); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="game-container"> <h1>Battle!</h1> <div id="instructions"> <p>You will be given a random number at the start of the game.</p> <p>There are four characters below. By clicking on a character you will add a specific amount of points to your total score.</p> <p>You win the game by matching your total score to the random number, you lose the game if your total score goes above the random number.</p> <p>The value of each crystal is hidden from you until you click on it.</p> <p>Everytime the game restarts, the game will change the values of each character.</p> </div> <div id="counters"> <div id="total-score"></div> <div id="target-score"></div> </div> <div id="images-container"> <img src="assets/images/Aragorn.jpeg" alt="Aragorn" class="LOTR-characters" id="character1"> <img src="assets/images/Legolas.jpeg" alt="Legolas" class="LOTR-characters" id="character2"> <img src="assets/images/Gimley.jpeg" alt="Gimley" class="LOTR-characters" id="character3"> <img src="assets/images/Gandalf.jpeg" alt="Gandalf" class="LOTR-characters" id="character4"> </div> <div id="wins-losses"> <div id="wins"></div> <div id="losses"></div> </div> </div> 

The idea of this game is to click on 4 images. 这个游戏的想法是点击4张图片。 Each image will be assigned a random number when the page loads, a targetNumber will also be displayed. 页面加载时,将为每个图像分配一个随机数,同时还会显示targetNumber。 The numbers will be added together in var counter = 0; 这些数字将在var counter = 0中加在一起; If you go over the targetNumber then you lose, if you match it you win. 如果您超过了目标编号,那么您将输,如果与之匹配,您将获胜。

Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? 谁能告诉我为什么这行不通? I used a conditional statement to alert("YOU WIN") when the counter matches the targetNumber but it obviously doesn't recognize the values. 当计数器与targetNumber匹配时,我使用了条件语句来提醒(“ YOU WIN”),但显然无法识别该值。

You're only checking if the player has won at the start of the game, not when clicking one of the characters. 您只在检查玩家是否在游戏开始时赢了,而不是在单击其中一个角色时才查看。 Instead, you'll want to pull your winning logic into a function that you then call in each click handler. 取而代之的是,您希望将获胜逻辑放入一个函数中,然后在每个点击处理程序中调用该函数。

Something like: 就像是:

$("#character4").click(function() {
    counter += char4;
    $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter);

function checkWinner() {
    if (counter === targetNumber) {
        alert("YOU WIN");

At the moment, your 目前,您的

if (counter === targetNumber) {

test runs only on pageload - see how it's on the top level? 测试仅在pageload上运行-看看它在顶层如何运行? You need to change it so that the counter is checked every time a character is clicked. 您需要对其进行更改,以便每次单击字符时都检查计数器。 You might implement this by putting a listener on the #images-container , which will run after the proper character-click event (and counter increment) has been handled: 您可以通过在#images-container上放置一个侦听器来实现此目的,该侦听#images-container在处理了正确的字符单击事件(和计数器增量) 之后运行:

$('#images-container').on('click', checkCounter);

function checkCounter() {
  if (counter === targetNumber) {
    console.log("YOU WIN");
  } else if (counter > targetNumber) {
    console.log("you lose");

 var wins = 0; var losses = 0; // This variable will store the target number to match var targetNumber; // This variable will store the numbers added together var counter = 0; // Display counter, wins & losses $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); $("#wins").text("Wins: " + wins); $("#losses").text("Losses: " + losses); // Step 1 // Assign each character image a variable. Add each variable to the empty array var char1 = getRandomNumber(); var char2 = getRandomNumber(); var char3 = getRandomNumber(); var char4 = getRandomNumber(); // Step 2 // Create a function that gives a random number between 1 - 12 and adds it the arrays elements function getRandomNumber() { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1; console.log("Random number between 1 & 12 is: " + randomNumber); return randomNumber; }; // Step 3 // Create click functions and link the random number to each image $("#character1").click(function() { counter += char1; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character2").click(function() { counter += char2; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character3").click(function() { counter += char3; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $("#character4").click(function() { counter += char4; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); }); $('#images-container').on('click', checkCounter); function checkCounter() { if (counter === targetNumber) { console.log("YOU WIN"); } else if (counter > targetNumber) { console.log("you lose"); } } // Step 4 // Create a random target number between 19 - 120 var createTarget = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 19; targetNumber = +createTarget; console.log(targetNumber); // Display the random number $("#total-score").text("Target number is: " + targetNumber); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="game-container"> <h1>Battle!</h1> <div id="instructions"> <p>You will be given a random number at the start of the game.</p> <p>There are four characters below. By clicking on a character you will add a specific amount of points to your total score.</p> <p>You win the game by matching your total score to the random number, you lose the game if your total score goes above the random number.</p> <p>The value of each crystal is hidden from you until you click on it.</p> <p>Everytime the game restarts, the game will change the values of each character.</p> </div> <div id="counters"> <div id="total-score"></div> <div id="target-score"></div> </div> <div id="images-container"> <img src="assets/images/Aragorn.jpeg" alt="Aragorn" class="LOTR-characters" id="character1"> <img src="assets/images/Legolas.jpeg" alt="Legolas" class="LOTR-characters" id="character2"> <img src="assets/images/Gimley.jpeg" alt="Gimley" class="LOTR-characters" id="character3"> <img src="assets/images/Gandalf.jpeg" alt="Gandalf" class="LOTR-characters" id="character4"> </div> <div id="wins-losses"> <div id="wins"></div> <div id="losses"></div> </div> </div> 

You can also make your code much less repetitive by using only a single handler when a character icon is clicked, rather than four separate handlers: 通过单击字符图标时仅使用一个处理程序,而不是四个单独的处理程序,还可以使代码的重复性大大降低:

 var wins = 0; var losses = 0; // This variable will store the target number to match var targetNumber; // This variable will store the numbers added together var counter = 0; // Display counter, wins & losses $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); $("#wins").text("Wins: " + wins); $("#losses").text("Losses: " + losses); // Step 1 // Assign each character image a variable. Add each variable to the empty array const charValues = Array.from({ length: 4 }, getRandomNumber); // Step 2 // Create a function that gives a random number between 1 - 12 and adds it the arrays elements function getRandomNumber() { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1; console.log("Random number between 1 & 12 is: " + randomNumber); return randomNumber; }; // Step 3 // Create click functions and link the random number to each image $('#images-container').on('click', checkCounter); const imgs = [...document.querySelectorAll('.LOTR-characters')]; function checkCounter({ target }) { if (!target.matches('img')) return; counter += charValues[imgs.indexOf(target)]; $("#target-score").text("Current score: " + counter); if (counter === targetNumber) { console.log("YOU WIN"); } else if (counter > targetNumber) { console.log("you lose"); } } // Step 4 // Create a random target number between 19 - 120 var createTarget = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 19; targetNumber = +createTarget; console.log(targetNumber); // Display the random number $("#total-score").text("Target number is: " + targetNumber); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="game-container"> <h1>Battle!</h1> <div id="instructions"> <p>You will be given a random number at the start of the game.</p> <p>There are four characters below. By clicking on a character you will add a specific amount of points to your total score.</p> <p>You win the game by matching your total score to the random number, you lose the game if your total score goes above the random number.</p> <p>The value of each crystal is hidden from you until you click on it.</p> <p>Everytime the game restarts, the game will change the values of each character.</p> </div> <div id="counters"> <div id="total-score"></div> <div id="target-score"></div> </div> <div id="images-container"> <img src="assets/images/Aragorn.jpeg" alt="Aragorn" class="LOTR-characters" id="character1"> <img src="assets/images/Legolas.jpeg" alt="Legolas" class="LOTR-characters" id="character2"> <img src="assets/images/Gimley.jpeg" alt="Gimley" class="LOTR-characters" id="character3"> <img src="assets/images/Gandalf.jpeg" alt="Gandalf" class="LOTR-characters" id="character4"> </div> <div id="wins-losses"> <div id="wins"></div> <div id="losses"></div> </div> </div> 

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