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Angular 6 Router Transition Animation不起作用(导航栏)

[英]Angular 6 Router Transition Animation doesn't work (Nav bar)

I am trying to implement Fade transition on my router outlet - whenever you move to a page you get fadein/out. 我正在尝试在路由器插座上实现淡入淡出过渡-每当您移至页面时,您就会淡入/淡出。

However it just doesn't seem to work at all, the router outlet is in the main area of the navigation bar: Stackblitz of my app 但是,它似乎根本不起作用,路由器出口位于导航栏的主要区域: 我的应用程序的Stackblitz

See "fadeIn.ts" for the animation See "app.nav-component" html/ts and app module for implementation 有关动画,请参见“ fadeIn.ts”。有关实现,请参见“ app.nav-component” html / ts和应用模块

I would expect when clicking a link in the navigation the animation of transition would trigger. 我希望单击导航中的链接时会触发过渡动画。

I modified your fadeIn.ts a bit. 我对您的fadeIn.ts进行了一些修改。

import {
    query, group
  } from '@angular/animations';

  export const fadeAnimation = trigger('fadeAnimation', [
    transition('* <=> *', [

        /* order */

        /* 1 */ query(':enter, :leave', style({ position: 'fixed', width: '100%' })

          , { optional: true }),

        /* 2 */ group([  // block executes in parallel

          query(':enter', [

            style({ transform: 'translateX(100%)' }),

            animate('0.3s ease-in-out', style({ transform: 'translateX(0%)' }))

          ], { optional: true }),

          query(':leave', [

           style({ transform: 'translateX(0%)' }),

            animate('0.3s ease-in-out', style({ transform: 'translateX(-100%)' }
          ))], { optional: true }),         




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