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[英]Deleting data on RealTime Database - Firebase

I'm using firebase realtime database and has following rules setup for the database, 我正在使用Firebase实时数据库,并为数据库设置了以下规则,

  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth !== null",
    ".write": "auth !== null"

But when I try to delete an entry, it gives me an error saying permission denied as follows. 但是,当我尝试删除一个条目时,它给我一个错误,表明权限被拒绝,如下所示。

Database: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data. (database/permission-denied).

What should I do? 我该怎么办? I can't understand why I can do all the reads and writes pretty oki with the current rules and not delete. 我不明白为什么我可以使用当前规则进行所有读写操作,而不删除。

Can anyone help me with this? 谁能帮我这个?

Note: Image of the results related to the Firebase Simulator 注意:与Firebase Simulator相关的结果图像


When checked for the firebase.auth().currentUser : 当检查firebase.auth().currentUser

deleteUserAccount(userId) {
 let knownLocationRef = this.database.ref('lastKnown/' + userId);
 let promises = [];
 console.log('auth details', this.auth.currentUser);
 console.log('auth details null', this.auth.currentUser !== null); //returns true
         knownLocationRef.once('value').then( (data) => {
            console.log('data ', data.val());
            if (data.val() !== null) {
                let prevLat = data.val().lat;
                let prevLong = data.val().long;
                console.log('auth details', this.auth.currentUser);
                console.log('auth details null', this.auth.currentUser !== null); //returns false
         return Promise.all(promises);

Here are some issues with your code and how you are handling promises: 以下是代码的一些问题以及如何处理promise:

function deleteUserAccount(userId) {
  let knownLocationRef = this.database.ref('lastKnown/' + userId);
  let promises = []; // good idea for collecting a list of distinct 
                     // promises, maybe not here

  // This is a promise, 'then' is a continuation from which you can return 
  // either a data result or another promise
  knownLocationRef.once('value').then((data) => {
    // if data is valid, return another promise
    if (data.val() !== null) {
      // ...

      // If you were looping and collecting promises, then this might help, 
      // but you don't want to collect inner promises.

  // This returns before everything in `.then` executes
  return Promise.all(promises);

Here's a fixed version: 这是固定版本:

function deleteUserAccount(userId) {
  let knownLocationRef = this.database.ref('lastKnown/' + userId);
  let promises = []; // For the sake of argument, I will use this to collect 
                     // outer promises.

  // normally I would return here, but as an example, I'll uses the 
  // promises array
  promises.push(knownLocationRef.once('value').then((data) => {
    // if data is valid, return another promise
    if (data.val() !== null) {
      // ...

      // Return a Promise from a promise
      return knownLocationRef.remove();

    return null; // no data to process

  // wait on outer promises
  return Promise.all(promises)
    .catch(console.log); // log errors from any promise

Here is a version without the extra promises array. 这是一个没有多余的promises数组的版本。

function deleteUserAccount(userId) {
  let knownLocationRef = this.database.ref('lastKnown/' + userId);

  return knownLocationRef.once('value')
    .then((data) => {
      // if data is valid, return another promise
      if (data.val() !== null) {

        // Return a Promise from a promise
        return knownLocationRef.remove();

      return null; // no data to process

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