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如何将属性设置为未设置为实例或对象的XmlNode对象。 C#

[英]How to set attribute to an XmlNode object which is not set to an instance or object. c#

I cannot figure out how to set a default value to an XmlNode . 我无法弄清楚如何为XmlNode设置默认值。

I have an XmlNode called RequirementMinTime and I want to set it to the value of "0" when that node is not in the xml document. 我有一个名为RequirementMinTimeXmlNode并且当该节点不在xml文档中时,我想将其设置为“ 0”。 Here is the code I'm trying which is not working. 这是我正在尝试的代码,无法正常工作。

        XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlpath, settings);
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


       if (GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs") == null)
            RequirementMinTime.Attributes["MinTimeMs"].Value = "0";
            RequirementMinTime = GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs");

I am getting the following error in the if statement 我在if语句中收到以下错误

"System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'" “ System.NullReferenceException:'对象引用未设置为对象的实例。'”

this is the object declaration: 这是对象声明:

    public static XmlNode RequirementMinTime

You need to create the node, otherwise you can not set a value (assuming your XmlDocument is named xmlDoc : 您需要创建节点,否则您将无法设置值(假设您的XmlDocument名为xmlDoc

if (GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs") == null)
    RequirementMinTime = xmlDoc.CreateElement("MinTimeMs");
    RequiredMinTime.Value = "0";
    RequirementMinTime = GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs");

here is the solution 这是解决方案

    XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlpath, settings);
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


   if (GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs") == null)
        XmlNode newNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "MinTimeMs", "");
        newNode.InnerText = "0";
        RequirementMinTime = GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs");
        RequirementMinTime = GlobalNode.SelectSingleNode("MinTimeMs");

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