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[英]render_template in Python-Flask is not working

I am actually creating an app with Flask and I am encountering issues regarding my routing. 我实际上是用Flask创建一个应用程序,遇到路由方面的问题。

My situation is simple: The user enters a token to authenticate himself. 我的情况很简单:用户输入一个令牌以对其进行身份验证。 Once he clicks on authenticate , an angular HTTP request uses POST to send his token to a Python server. 一旦他单击authenticate ,一个有角度的HTTP请求就会使用POST将其令牌发送到Python服务器。 There, if he is granted access, the home page is displayed using render_template ; 如果授予他访问权限,则使用render_template显示主页。 otherwise the login keeps still. 否则,登录保持不变。

However, when the user authenticates himself, I see on my command line that the POST was successful, the authentication was a success but the page just stuck on login and does not redirect to home page as if the second render_template does not work. 但是,当用户进行身份验证时,我在命令行上看到POST成功,身份验证已成功,但是页面仅停留在登录状态 ,并且没有重定向到主页 ,就好像第二个render_template无法正常工作一样。 Please Help! 请帮忙!

def index():
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return render_template('auth.html')  # this is ok.
        return render_template('index.html')  # this does not work

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST','GET'])
def login():
    tok = request.form['token']

    if (check_token(tok) == "pass"):  # check_token is a function I've implemented
                                      # to check if token is ok=pass, ko=fail
        session['logged_in'] = True
        flash("wrong token")

    return index()  

Your login handler shouldn't call index directly. 您的login处理程序不应直接调用index It should return a redirect to the index. 它应该返回到索引的重定向

return redirect('/')

or better: 或更好:

return redirect(url_for('index'))

I was thinking of the following. 我在想以下。

def index():
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return return redirect(url_for('login'))
        return render_template('index.html')  

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST','GET'])
def login():
    if request.method = "POST":
        tok = request.form['token']

        if (check_token(tok) == "pass"):  
            session['logged_in'] = True
        return redirect(url_for('index'))

            flash("wrong token")

    return render_template("login.html")

I have used Angular JS in my app to send requests to my flask server and i realised that my client side angular JS had difficulties in rendering page as it was just expecting a response. 我已经在应用程序中使用Angular JS将请求发送到我的Flask服务器,并且我意识到我的客户端Angular JS在呈现页面时遇到了困难,因为它只是期望响应。 I first tried to do.. document.write('response.data') and it did display my home page but my scripts attached on my html page stopped working. 我首先尝试做.. document.write('response.data') ,它确实显示了我的主页,但是我在html页面上附加的脚本停止工作。 Second try, I tried to reload the page after receiving the response in my client and it works well. 第二次尝试,我在客户端收到响应后尝试重新加载页面,并且效果很好。 I don't know if it's the best way to do but it does work. 我不知道这是否是最好的方法,但确实有效。

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