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[英]Laravel multiple pivot relationship

I'm struggling with creating a relationship between two pivots that share single model. 我正在努力创建共享单个模型的两个枢轴之间的关系。

The pivots in question are item_tag and playlist_tag. 有问题的数据中心是item_tag和playlist_tag。 Below I have described the table and the relationships I have created already. 下面,我描述了表和已经创建的关系。

So i can currently get items for playlists, playlists for items, tags for items, tags for playlists. 因此,我目前可以获取播放列表的项目,播放列表的项目,项目的标签,播放列表的标签。

What i'm struggling to do is : 我正在努力做的是:

  • Get items that share the same tags as a given playlist 获取与给定播放列表共享相同标签的项目
  • Get playlists that share the same tags as a given item 获取与给定项目共享相同标签的播放列表

I believe this may be done with a 'manyThrough' but honestly i'm lost. 我相信这可以通过“ manyThrough”完成,但老实说我迷路了。

Some more relationship detail 更多关系细节

  • Playlist can be comprised of many items 播放列表可以包含许多项目
  • Items can belong to many playlists 项目可以属于许多播放列表
  • So item_playlist pivot 所以item_playlist枢纽

Tags can be applied to both playlists and items 标签可同时应用于播放列表和项目

  • An item can have many tags 一个项目可以有很多标签
  • tags can be applied to many items 标签可以应用于许多项目
  • so item_tag pivot 所以item_tag枢纽

  • A playlist can have many tags 播放列表可以有很多标签
  • tags can be applied to many playlists 标签可以应用于许多播放列表
  • so playlist_tag pivot 所以playlist_tag枢轴

Example table structure 表结构示例

   Table : items

    Table : playlists

    Table : item_playlist

    Table : tags

    Table : item_tag

    Table : playlist_tag

Example class / relationship structure 示例类/关系结构

class Playlist extends Model
    public function items()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Item::class)->withTimestamps();

    public function tags()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class)->withTimestamps();
class Item extends Model
    public function playlists()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Playlist::class)->withTimestamps();

    public function tags()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class)->withTimestamps();
class Tag extends Model
    public function items()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Item::class)->withTimestamps();

    public function playlists()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Playlist::class)->withTimestamps();

Getting the items that share at least one tag with a given playlist: 获取与给定播放列表共享至少一个标签的项目:

$tags = $playlist->tags()->pluck('id');
$items = Item::whereHas('tags', function($query) use($tags) {
    $query->whereIn('id', $tags);

Getting the items that share all the tags with a given playlist: 获取与给定播放列表共享所有标签的项目:

$tags = $playlist->tags()->pluck('id');
$items = Item::whereHas('tags', function($query) use($tags) {
    $query->whereIn('id', $tags);
}, '=', $tags->count())->get();

The reverse direction works the same way. 反向的工作方式相同。

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