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[英]sitefinity version 11 open graph

We recently upgraded to version 11 and would like to take advantage of the Open Graph functionality for our blog posts. 我们最近升级到了版本11,并希望在我们的博客文章中使用Open Graph功能。 I have followed the instructions here: https://www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/open-graph-settings 我已按照此处的说明进行操作: https : //www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/open-graph-settings

I have turned on the usage of Open Graph in the Settings >> Advanced >> System >> SEO and Open Graph properties >> Enable Open Graph Properties configuration of the site and restarted Sitefinity (not sure I had to do that last step but I figured it wouldn't hurt). 我已在“ 设置” >>“高级” >>“系统” >>“ SEO”和“开放图”属性中启用了“开放图”,并启用了站点的“ 开放图”属性配置,并重新启动了Sitefinity(不确定我是否必须在上一步中这样做,但我认为这不会伤害)。

I have also set up the custom fields as described in the "Configure Open Graph properties" step of the instructions in the link below. 我还按照下面链接中的说明的“配置打开图属性”步骤中的说明设置了自定义字段。

However, my understanding is that using these instructions we are supposed to get the <meta property="og:title" content="<!-- the Open Graph title that you specified -->"> and so forth in the page's HTML. 但是,我的理解是,按照这些说明,我们应该在页面的HTML中获取<meta property="og:title" content="<!-- the Open Graph title that you specified -->">等等。 。 I am not seeing those properties being set in the <head> nor anywhere else. 我没有在<head>或其他任何地方设置这些属性。 Am I missing something? 我想念什么吗?

In order for these tags to render you must be in single content view, ie the details of a content item. 为了呈现这些标签,您必须处于单个内容视图中,即内容项的详细信息。 Sitefinity 11.1 is coming with page level support for OG meta. Sitefinity 11.1附带了对OG元数据的页面级支持。

if you paste a link of the detailed view of a News item on Facebook, you can configure an Open Graph title, description, and image for this News item. 如果在Facebook上粘贴新闻项目详细视图的链接,则可以为此新闻项目配置“打开图”标题,描述和图像。

from: https://www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/open-graph-settings 来自: https : //www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/open-graph-settings

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