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[英]Agile .NET Code Encryption doesn't seem to work?

I am using Agile .NET's virtualization features since a time, and I have wanted to try their Code Encryption. 一段时间以来,我一直在使用Agile .NET的虚拟化功能,并且我想尝试使用其代码加密。 The obfuscation completes fine, but once I deploy my DLL with It, the application just doesn't work. 混淆可以很好地完成,但是一旦我用它部署了DLL,应用程序就无法正常工作。 I hardly found that the obfuscator will provide you some dlls like AgileDotNetRT and AgileDotNetRT64, in the options, but I don't get any. 我几乎没有发现混淆器会在选项中为您提供一些诸如AgileDotNetRT和AgileDotNetRT64这样的dll,但是我什么也没得到。 I even tried copying those dlls from the install folder without luck. 我什至尝试从安装文件夹中复制那些dll,但没有运气。

Anyone knows why? 有人知道为什么吗? I haven't found any info on the "docs". 我还没有在“文档”上找到任何信息。


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