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尝试从热衷的mayavi模块导入mlab-获取“ RuntimeError:无法为qt4加载pyface.toolkits插件”

[英]trying to import mlab from the enthought mayavi module - getting “ RuntimeError: No pyface.toolkits plugin could be loaded for qt4”

The program starts with:- 该程序开始于:-

from mayavi import mlab
from tvtk.tools import visual

and ends up with this message 并以此消息结束

>/Users/me/Library/Enthought/Canopy/edm/envs/User/lib/python3.5/si>te->packages/pyface/base_toolkit.py in import_toolkit(toolkit_name, >entry_point)
>    225     msg = msg.format(entry_point, toolkit_name)
>    226     logger.info(msg)
>--> 227     raise RuntimeError(msg)
>RuntimeError: No pyface.toolkits plugin could be loaded for qt4 

For licensing reasons, Canopy for Python 3.x does not ship with PyQt. 出于许可原因,PyQt不附带适用于Python 3.x的Canopy。 Please install PyQt from the Canopy Package Manager, then try again. 请从Canopy软件包管理器安装PyQt,然后重试。 For more information, search the Enthought Knowledge base for pyqt python 3 , which will give you a link to this article: "Python 3 in Canopy 2 - 'No module named PyQt4' error" . 有关更多信息,请在Enthought知识库中搜索pyqt python 3 ,这将为您提供到本文的链接: “ Canopy 2中的Python 3-'No module named PyQt4'error”

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