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[英]How do I disable validation of the x509 certificate used to validate a message signature?

I have a client that calls an API that signs its response messages. 我有一个客户端,该客户端调用签名其响应消息的API。 The signature validation setup requires special binding that looks like this: 签名验证设置需要特殊的绑定,如下所示:

public class SignatureBinding : Binding
    public override BindingElementCollection CreateBindingElements()
        var signingElement = new AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement
            AllowInsecureTransport = false,
            RecipientTokenParameters = new X509SecurityTokenParameters(X509KeyIdentifierClauseType.IssuerSerial, SecurityTokenInclusionMode.Never),
            InitiatorTokenParameters = new X509SecurityTokenParameters(X509KeyIdentifierClauseType.IssuerSerial, SecurityTokenInclusionMode.AlwaysToRecipient),
            DefaultAlgorithmSuite = SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Basic256,
            SecurityHeaderLayout = SecurityHeaderLayout.Strict,
            MessageProtectionOrder = MessageProtectionOrder.SignBeforeEncrypt,
            MessageSecurityVersion = MessageSecurityVersion.WSSecurity10WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11BasicSecurityProfile10,
            AllowSerializedSigningTokenOnReply = true

        return new BindingElementCollection
            new HttpsTransportBindingElement()

And in the ClientCredentials behavior: 并且在ClientCredentials行为中:

public class CredentialsBehavior : ClientCredentials 
    public CredentialsBehavior()
        base.ServiceCertificate.DefaultCertificate = store.FindBySerialNumber(signatureCertSN);

    //Code omitted

I have confirmed that the above code works fine when run from an ordinary computer. 我已经确认,从普通计算机上运行上述代码可以正常工作。 The message is sent, the server crafts a response and signs it, it comes back, the client validates the signature, and all is well. 消息已发送,服务器制作了响应并对其进行签名,然后返回,客户端验证了签名,一切都很好。

However, there is a failure when running from the intended server, which cannot access CRL services due to firewalls. 但是,从目标服务器运行时会出现故障,由于防火墙,该服务器无法访问CRL服务 The ServiceModel call returns an error when I send the message over the channel. 通过通道发送消息时,ServiceModel调用返回错误。 The error pertains to the certificate that contains the public key for validating the signature. 该错误与包含用于验证签名的公钥的证书有关。 The error is: 错误是:

The X.509 certificate CN=somecert.somedomain.com, OU=CE_Operations, O="MyCompany, Inc.", L=City, S=State, C=US chain building failed. X.509证书CN = somecert.somedomain.com,OU = CE_Operations,O =“ MyCompany,Inc。”,L =城市,S =州,C =美国链建立失败。 The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. 使用的证书具有无法验证的信任链。 Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. 替换证书或更改certificateValidationMode。 The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline. 吊销服务器处于脱机状态,因此吊销功能无法检查吊销。

The server exists in a domain that can't access CRLs so I disabled the check with help from this answer : 该服务器存在于无法访问CRL的域中,因此我在此答案的帮助下禁用了检查:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = false;

However, the error persists. 但是,错误仍然存​​在。 I'm guessing that ServerCertificateValidationCallback only fires for server certificates, and this certificate is different. 我猜想ServerCertificateValidationCallback仅针对服务器证书触发,并且此证书是不同的。

How do I convince the service model to allow the use of this certificate without checking the CRL or performing other validation procedures? 如何说服服务模型允许使用此证书,而无需检查CRL或执行其他验证过程?

Set certificateValidationMode to None to ignore certificate validation X509CertificateValidationMode 将certificateValidationMode设置为None以忽略证书验证X509CertificateValidationMode

This is a behavior, so if you want to do it programmatically you should bind it as new behavior to your service : 这是一种行为,因此,如果要以编程方式进行操作,则应将其作为新行为绑定到服务:

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service));
ServiceEndpoint endpoint = host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IService), new WebHttpBinding(), "http://...");

var endpointClientbehavior = new ClientCredentials();
endpointClientbehavior.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None;


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