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[英]Error : Fatal error encountered attempting to read the resultset

I want to insert data in a database table from two other tables 我想将数据从其他两个表插入数据库表中

Whenever I run my code, it would return this particular error 每当我运行代码时,它将返回此特定错误

An unhandled exception of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' occurred in MySql.Data.dll - Additional information: Fatal error encountered during command execution. MySql.Data.dll中发生了类型为'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException'的未处理异常-其他信息:命令执行期间遇到致命错误。

which is pointed at 指着


What would be the problem? 有什么问题吗?

It's working now !! 现在正在工作!

It simply sounds like your query is timing out during execution. 听起来您的查询在执行期间超时了。 You could try setting cmd.CommandTimeout = 86400; 您可以尝试设置cmd.CommandTimeout = 86400; or you could try creating indexes that might speed up the JOIN: CREATE INDEX bilan_siren ON bilan(siren); 或者,您可以尝试创建可以加快JOIN速度的索引:CREATE INDEX bilan_siren ON bilan(siren); CREATE INDEX data_siren ON data(siren); CREATE INDEX data_siren ON数据(警笛);

Answer by Bradley Grainger Bradley Grainger的回答

I solved that issue by using a old version of MySQL Net. 我通过使用旧版本的MySQL Net解决了该问题。 In my case, I installed the version 6.4.4 . 就我而言,我安装了6.4.4版本。 But you can download others versions at: 但是您可以从以下位置下载其他版本:

https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/c-net/ https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/c-net/

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