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[英]Template Render Shortcuts not showing any result

I am trying to pass a variable from pymongo on my views.py to a template. 我试图将我的views.py上的pymongo变量传递给模板。 I am not getting any errors but neither is my code being rendered to my template. 我没有收到任何错误,但是我的代码也没有呈现到模板中。

views.py: views.py:

    def getTheA(request):
       for x in mycol.aggregate([{"$unwind":"$tags"},{'$match': {'tags.tag.name':'A A',}},{'$project': {'url': 1, 'AR': 1, 'tags.tag.name': 1, 'tags.variables': 1, '_id': 0}},]):
           theURLs = x['url']
           theNames = json.dumps(x['tags']['tag']['name'])
           theVars = json.dumps(x['tags']['variables'])
           context = {'theURLs' : theURLs}
       return render(request, 'templates/a.html', context)

My HTML code is pretty simple. 我的HTML代码非常简单。 I am just trying to print a list of the urls: 我只是想打印网址列表:

      {% for theURL in theURLs %}
         <li>{{ theURL.theURLs }} </li>
      {% endfor %}

My result: 我的结果:


I am new to Django and MongoDb and can't seem to figure out where I went wrong. 我是Django和MongoDb的新手,似乎无法弄清楚哪里出了问题。

When you have {{ xy }} in a template, that means "attribute or dictionary key y of object x ". 当模板中有{{ xy }}时,表示“对象x属性或字典键y ”。

So, in your template, when you have {{ theURL.theURLs }} , that means "attribute or dictionary key theURLs of object theURL . 因此,在模板中,当您拥有{{ theURL.theURLs }} ,这意味着“对象theURL属性或字典键theURLs ”。

theURL is already looping over each object in theURLs . theURL已经在循环中的每个对象theURLs Do those objects really have attributes also named theURLs ? 这些对象是否真的具有也称为theURLs属性? Nothing in your code suggests this is the case. 您的代码中没有任何东西表明是这种情况。

Okay after looking at your code for a long time, there are two main problems. 好了,长时间查看代码后,有两个主要问题。

  1. <li>{{ theURL.theURLs }}</li> should just be <li>{{ theURL }}</li> <li>{{ theURL.theURLs }}</li>应该只是<li>{{ theURL }}</li>
  2. Your for loop is seriously messed up. 您的for循环已严重混乱。 In its current form, you only take the last URL that you iterate over. 在当前形式下,您仅采用您迭代的最后一个URL。 Fix it in this way: 以这种方式修复它:

    def getTheA(request): theURLs = [] for yadayadayada: theURLs.append(x['url']) theNames = json.dumps(x['tags']['tag']['name']) theVars = json.dumps(x['tags']['variables']) context = { 'theURLs' : theURLs } return render(request, 'templates/a.html', context=context)

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