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使用nodejs生成ASP.NET webpages_membership密码

[英]Generate ASP.NET webpages_membership Password using nodejs

There is existing system is working on C#, but we have decided to move some modules of c# website into nodejs, so i will be able to login through c# and nodejs too. 现有系统正在研究C#,但我们决定将c#网站的一些模块移动到nodejs中,所以我也可以通过c#和nodejs登录。 using c# registration it generated some random password using some existing library of asp.net it will store password into "webpages_membership" table. 使用c#注册它使用一些现有的asp.net库生成一些随机密码,它会将密码存储到“webpages_membership”表中。

C# generated random password : "JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C" is hashed password for "123456" string. C#生成的随机密码: “JWvppSSfnzOQ + uMd + BORpT / 8aQorC8y05Bjbo / 8w / 9b / eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C”是“123456”字符串的哈希密码。

so now there is some other module which will be now in nodejs but rest of the things will be in c# only. 所以现在有一些其他模块现在将在nodejs中,但其余部分将只在c#中。 so login now i have to login through node. 所以现在登录我必须通过节点登录。

I am trying to compare c# generated password in nodejs using following library https://www.npmjs.com/package/aspnet-identity-pw 我试图使用以下库比较nodejs中的c#生成的密码https://www.npmjs.com/package/aspnet-identity-pw

but it returns False. 但它返回False。

c# generated password for "123456" => "JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C" c#生成的密码为“123456”=>“JWvppSSfnzOQ + uMd + BORpT / 8aQorC8y05Bjbo / 8w / 9b / eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C”

Please help me to achieve same in nodejs. 请帮我在nodejs中实现相同功能。

nodejscode nodejscode

var passwordHasher = require('aspnet-identity-pw');

var hashedPassword = passwordHasher.hashPassword('123456');

var isValid = passwordHasher.validatePassword('JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C', hashedPassword);
//Return False

I tried same thing in php using below code which is working fine, using below php code i am able to compare c# generated password and also able to generate new password from php and able to login from C#. 我在php中使用下面的代码尝试了同样的事情,这是正常工作,使用下面的PHP代码,我能够比较c#生成的密码,并能够从PHP生成新密码,并能够从C#登录。

Working PHPcode for reference: 使用PHPcode作为参考:


 * Author  : Mr. Juned Ansari
 * Date    : 15/02/2017 
 * Purpose : It Handles Login Encryption And Decryption Related Activities

class MembershipModel {

    function bytearraysequal($source, $target) {
        if ($source == null || $target == null || (strlen($source) != strlen($target)))
            return false;
        for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < strlen($target); $ctr++) {
            if ($target[$ctr] != $source[$ctr])
                return false;
        return true;
    //This Function is Used to verifypassword
    function verifypassword($hashedPassword, $password) {

        $PBKDF2IterCount = 1000; // default for Rfc2898DeriveBytes
        $PBKDF2SubkeyLength = 32; // 256 bits       
        $SaltSize = 16; // 128 bits

        if ($hashedPassword == null) {
            return false;
            //show_error("hashedPassword is null");
        if ($password == null) {
            return false;
            //show_error("Password is null");

        $hashedPasswordBytes = base64_decode($hashedPassword);

        if (strlen($hashedPasswordBytes) != 48) {
            return false;

        $salt = substr($hashedPasswordBytes, 0, $SaltSize);

        $storedSubkey = substr($hashedPasswordBytes, $SaltSize, $PBKDF2SubkeyLength);

        $generatedSubkey = $this->encript('sha1', $password, $salt, $PBKDF2IterCount, $PBKDF2SubkeyLength, true);

        return $this->bytearraysequal($storedSubkey, $generatedSubkey);

    function encript($algorithm, $password, $salt, $count, $key_length, $raw_output = false) {
        $algorithm = strtolower($algorithm);
        if (!in_array($algorithm, hash_algos(), true))
            return false;
        //show_error('PBKDF2 ERROR: Invalid hash algorithm.');
        if ($count <= 0 || $key_length <= 0)
            return false;
        //show_error('PBKDF2 ERROR: Invalid parameters.');

        $hash_length = strlen(hash($algorithm, "", true));
        $block_count = ceil($key_length / $hash_length);

        $output = "";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $block_count; $i++) {

            $last = $salt . pack("N", $i);

            $last = $xorsum = hash_hmac($algorithm, $last, $password, true);

            for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++) {
                $xorsum ^= ($last = hash_hmac($algorithm, $last, $password, true));
            $output .= $xorsum;
        return substr($output, 0, $key_length);

echo MembershipModel::verifypassword("JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C","123456");
//Returns True for every c# generated password

$salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$dev = MembershipModel::encript('sha1', $Password, $salt, 1000, 32, true);
$HashedPassword = base64_encode($salt.$dev);

You can port your working PHP code to Node.js using the built-in crypto module. 您可以使用内置的crypto模块将工作的PHP代码移植到Node.js。

Creating a hash: 创建哈希:

In your PHP MembershipModel::encript method you're using a PBKDF2 implementation to create a key. 在PHP MembershipModel::encript方法中,您使用PBKDF2实现来创建密钥。 We can create the same key in Node.js with crypto.pbkdf2Sync . 我们可以使用crypto.pbkdf2Sync在Node.js中创建相同的密钥。

function kdf(password, salt, count=1000, keyLen=32, hash='sha1') {
    return crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, count, keyLen, hash);

Now we can write a function that uses kdf and returns the salt and key, base64 encoded - the same format as your PHP and C# code. 现在我们可以编写一个使用kdf的函数并返回salt和key,base64编码 - 与PHP和C#代码的格式相同。

function hashPassword(password) {
    var salt = crypto.randomBytes(16);
    var key = kdf(password, salt, 1000, 32, 'sha1');
    var sk = Buffer.concat([salt, key]);
    return sk.toString('base64');

For the salt I've used crypto.randomBytes which is a CSPRNG function (creates secure pseudo-random data). 对于salt,我使用了crypto.randomBytes这是一个CSPRNG函数(创建安全的伪随机数据)。

Checking a hash: 检查哈希:

In your PHP MembershipModel::verifypassword method you're using the received salt to craete a key with PBKDF2, then compare the new key with the received key. 在您的PHP MembershipModel::verifypassword方法中,您使用收到的盐来使用PBKDF2来获取密钥,然后将新密钥与收到的密钥进行比较。 A Node.js equivalent: 一个Node.js等价物:

function verifyPassword(hashedPassword, password) {
    var data = new Buffer(hashedPassword, 'base64');
    var salt = data.slice(0, 16);
    var key = data.slice(16);
    var hash = kdf(password, salt);
    return crypto.timingSafeEqual(key, hash);

I'm using crypto.timingSafeEqual to compare the keys; 我正在使用crypto.timingSafeEqual来比较密钥; it performs constant time comparison. 它执行恒定的时间比较。

Testing: 测试:

var password = "123456";
var hash = hashPassword(password);
console.log(verifyPassword(hash, password));

hash = "JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C";
console.log(verifyPassword(hash, password));

We can see that the hashPassword function produces hashes that are compatible with your PHP code and verifyPassword can verify them successfully. 我们可以看到hashPassword函数生成与PHP代码兼容的哈希值, verifyPassword可以成功验证它们。

Some notes about your PHP code: 关于PHP代码的一些注意事项:

I assume that the MembershipModel::bytearraysequal method is supposed to use a constant time algorithm, but it returns false with the first occurrence of unequal characters. 我假设MembershipModel::bytearraysequal方法应该使用常量时间算法,但它返回false,第一次出现不相等的字符。 A better implementation, using bitwise operators: 使用按位运算符的更好实现:

function bytearraysEqual(string $hash1, string $hash2): bool {
    $result = 0;
    for ($i=0; $i<strlen($hash1) && $i<strlen($hash2); $i++) {
        $result |= ord($hash1[$i]) ^ ord($hash2[$i]);
    return $result === 0 && strlen($hash1) === strlen($hash2);

This function checks all the characters, and the length of strings. 此函数检查所有字符和字符串的长度。 However, it's best to use the built-in hash_equals function (requires PHP 5.6 or higher). 但是,最好使用内置的hash_equals函数(需要PHP 5.6或更高版本)。 Similarly, you can use openssl_pbkdf2 to create the key (PHP 5.5 or higher). 同样,您可以使用openssl_pbkdf2来创建密钥(PHP 5.5或更高版本)。

We can improve your MembershipModel class using those functions, and type hinting (PHP 7) which doesn't require null checks, and produces cleaner code. 我们可以使用这些函数改进MembershipModel类,并输入不需要空检查的提示(PHP 7),并生成更清晰的代码。

class MembershipModel {

    const PBKDF2_ALGORITHM = "SHA1"; 
    const PBKDF2_ITERATIONS = 1000; 
    const KEY_LENGTH = 32;    
    const SALT_LENGTH = 16;

    function hashPassword(string $password): string {
        $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
        $key = MembershipModel::kdf($password, $salt);
        return base64_encode($salt.$key);

    function verifyPassword(string $hashedPassword, string $password): bool {
        $hashedPasswordBytes = base64_decode($hashedPassword);
        $salt = substr($hashedPasswordBytes, 0, MembershipModel::SALT_LENGTH);
        $key1 = substr($hashedPasswordBytes, MembershipModel::SALT_LENGTH);
        $key2 = MembershipModel::kdf($password, $salt);
        return hash_equals($key1, $key2);

    private function kdf(string $password, string $salt): string {
        $key = hash_pbkdf2(
            MembershipModel::PBKDF2_ALGORITHM, $password, $salt, 
            MembershipModel::PBKDF2_ITERATIONS, MembershipModel::KEY_LENGTH,
        return $key;

Your key derivation scheme seems secure enough: PBKDF2 with a random salt and long key. 您的密钥派生方案似乎足够安全:PBKDF2具有随机盐和长密钥。 You could increase the number of iterations for better security, but that would cost time and performance. 您可以增加迭代次数以获得更好的安全性,但这会花费时间和性能。

The implementation however may have bugs (like the one I found in MembershipModel::bytearraysequal ) that could reduce the security of your code. 但是,实现可能存在错误(如我在MembershipModel::bytearraysequal找到的错误),这可能会降低代码的安全性。 It's best to use built-in functions, if that is possible. 如果可能的话,最好使用内置函数。

Update 更新

After studying the source code of aspnet-identity-pw , I discovered that it uses crypto internally. 在研究了aspnet-identity-pw的源代码之后,我发现它在内部使用了crypto The key is created by crypto.pbkdf2 with 16 byte salt and 1000 iterations. 密钥由crypto.pbkdf2创建,具有16字节盐和1000次迭代。 The only difference is that it creates a 49 byte hash, with a zero byte at the front. 唯一的区别是它创建了一个49字节的散列,前面有一个零字节。

The hash format is 0 + salt[16] + key[32] , so could use this hash if we slice off the first byte. 哈希格式为0 + salt[16] + key[32] ,因此如果切掉第一个字节,可以使用此哈希。 For example: 例如:

const passwordHasher = require('aspnet-identity-pw');

function hashPassword(password) {
    var hash = passwordHasher.hashPassword(password);
    var bytes = Buffer(hash, 'base64');
    return bytes.slice(1).toString('base64');

function verifyPassword(hashedPassword, password) {
    var bytes = new Buffer(hashedPassword, 'base64');
    var hash = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0x00]), bytes]).toString('base64');
    return passwordHasher.validatePassword(password, hash);

var hash = "JWvppSSfnzOQ+uMd+BORpT/8aQorC8y05Bjbo/8w/9b/eiG4WLzUFRQSSiKZqo3C";
console.log(verifyPassword(hash, '123456'))

This code also produces results that are compatible with your PHP code. 此代码还生成与PHP代码兼容的结果。 Personally, I would rather use crypto directly because it is more flexible, and also aspnet-identity-pw doesn't use a constant time algorithm when comparing hashes. 就个人而言,我宁愿直接使用crypto ,因为它更灵活,并且aspnet-identity-pw在比较哈希时也不使用恒定时间算法 But I understand that aspnet-identity-pw may be easier to use, and it may be safer for less experienced users. 但我知道aspnet-identity-pw可能更容易使用,对于经验不足的用户来说可能更安全。

According to the documentation you should send in the password as the first parameter in validatePassword. 根据文档,您应该将密码作为validatePassword中的第一个参数发送。 So try this: 试试这个:

 var passwordHasher = require('aspnet-identity-pw'); var hashedPassword = passwordHasher.hashPassword('123456'); console.log(hashedPassword); var isValid = passwordHasher.validatePassword('123456', hashedPassword); console.log("Result:"+isValid); 

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