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将Polymer 3路线更改为其他HTML页面

[英]Change Polymer 3 route to a different html page

I am creating a sample Polymer 3 app with a login and dashboard page. 我正在创建一个带有登录和仪表板页面的示例Polymer 3应用程序。 My backend is a simple JX-RS REST API. 我的后端是一个简单的JX-RS REST API。 Once I get a response from the web service, I want to go to a new HTML file (lets says dashboard.html ) rather than route to a different element within the same page. 从Web服务获得响应后,我想转到一个新的HTML文件(让我们说dashboard.html ),而不是路由到同一页面中的另一个元素。 When I go through the official website , I could not really understand how to proceed as I am a beginner in JS itself. 当我浏览官方网站时 ,因为我是JS本身的初学者,所以我无法真正理解该如何进行。

In my index.html , I have <my-login> , after the response, handlePositiveResponse is called. 在我的index.html ,我有<my-login> ,在响应之后,将调用handlePositiveResponse This is the place where I am changing the route. 这是我更改路线的地方。 Please find the method below. 请在下面找到方法。

Following is my code: login.js 以下是我的代码: login.js

class MyLogin extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
    return html`
    <h1>Hello World..!!</h1>
    <iron-form id="loginUserForm"  on-iron-form-response="handlePositiveResponse" on-iron-form-error="handleNegativeResponse">
            <form id="innerLoginUserForm" content-type="application/json" method="post">
                <paper-input id="email" name="email"  label="E-Mail Address"></paper-input>
                <paper-input id="password" name="password" label="Password" type="password"></paper-input>
                <paper-button disabled="{{activeRequest}}" raised id="loginButton" on-tap="submitLogin">Sign In</paper-button>

static get properties() {
    return {
        page: {
            type: String,
            reflectToAttribute: true,
            observer: '_pageChanged'
        routeData: Object,
        subroute: Object

static get observers() {
    return [

_routePageChanged(page) {
    // Show the corresponding page according to the route.
    // If no page was found in the route data, page will be an empty string.
    // Show 'view1' in that case. And if the page doesn't exist, show 'view404'.
    if (!page) {
        this.page = 'login';
    } else if (['view1', 'view2', 'view3', 'my-dashboard'].indexOf(page) !== -1) {
        this.page = page;
    } else {
        this.page = 'view404';

    // Close a non-persistent drawer when the page & route are changed.
    // if (!this.$.drawer.persistent) {
    //   this.$.drawer.close();
    // }

_pageChanged(page) {
    // Import the page component on demand.
    // Note: `polymer build` doesn't like string concatenation in the import
    // statement, so break it up.
    switch (page) {
        case 'view1':
        case 'view2':
        case 'view3':
        case 'my-dashboard':
        case 'view404':

submitLogin(e) {
    var form = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#loginUserForm');
    this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#innerLoginUserForm').action = 'http://localhost:8080/PolymerJavaBackend/rest/login'

handlePositiveResponse(response) {

handleNegativeResponse(error) {

Would appreciate, if you could advise, how to route to a new html page. 如果您可以提出建议,将不胜感激如何路由到新的html页面。

Is that your top-level element? 那是您的顶级元素吗? Is in your top-level element, where you should have the iron-pages element with all the pages you have in your app, and where you must add the new page. 在顶层元素中,应该在其中具有Iron-pages元素,其中包含应用程序中的所有页面,还必须在其中添加新页面。

There you should have the _routePageChanged to check the route data changes. 在那里,您应该具有_routePageChanged来检查路线数据更改。 And _pageChanged to import the page. 和_pageChanged导入页面。

If you want to navigate to your new page, not from menu, but when you'd get response from the server, in handlePositiveResponse(response) , you can use the two-way databinding or this.set to update the route value: this.set('route.path', '/my-dashboard'); 如果要导航到新页面(而不是从菜单中),而是要从服务器获取响应时,请在handlePositiveResponse(response)中使用双向数据绑定或this.set来更新路由值: this.set('route.path', '/my-dashboard');

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