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[英]Can I identify the interrupt source if I only have the interrupt vector under Linux?

Let me explain more detail about my question:让我解释一下我的问题的更多细节:
I have a Linux system, and it receive a lot of interrupts with the same interrupt vector number, such as 224, and it has affect the system's performance a lot.我有一个Linux系统,它收到很多中断向量号相同的中断,比如224,对系统性能影响很大。 I want to identify which part of the system (probably one of the I/O devices) had issued so many interrupts.我想确定系统的哪一部分(可能是 I/O 设备之一)发出了如此多的中断。
So, can I identify the source of the interrupt with the vector number under Linux system?那么,Linux系统下能不能通过向量号来识别中断源呢? If yes, then how to do it?如果是,那么怎么做? If not, why and what kinds of information do I need?如果没有,我为什么需要以及需要​​哪些类型的信息? If there is a mapping table, or something like that, that would be wonderful.如果有映射表或类似的东西,那就太好了。

Usually you can find the interrupt vector, counter and name of interrupt by doing:通常你可以通过执行以下操作找到中断向量、计数器和中断名称:

cat /proc/interrupts

If the interrupt is shared between several devices you could if possible try to deactivate one of the devices and see how that affects the increase of the interrupt count.如果中断在多个设备之间共享,您可以尽可能尝试停用其中一个设备,看看这如何影响中断计数的增加。 If the fast increase then stops you have found the source that is loading your system.如果快速增加然后停止,则您已找到正在加载系统的源。

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